San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m sorry. I do get frustrated with the drama that leaks in here from time to time. I usually try to avoid getting involved. But there’s claims about people I interact with frequently that support issues that I care about, and things the polar opposite are being said about them.

Assuming this is regarding the “Hi elves, more like bye elves” (which is a joke name) discord.

I want vampyr elves on the Horde. I don’t really care about high elves or that fiasco, am against factions (really want neutral guilds), class restrictions, and customization restrictions in general. I wish Blizzard put more love into story/customization in general.

Some folks have different opinions than me who are my friends, and that’s okay. Including regarding what I really want in the game–San’layn.

I just am tired I guess. I don’t want to come off as nasty and snap at people for going off topic or expressing themselves as long as it’s not phobic. It’s a matter of opinions & being aggressive sometimes.

But… yeah. I dunno. sigh


Don’t apologize. :black_heart: you are allowed to share your ideas and make requests, even if people disagree with you from time to time, without being berated. Disagreements can always be handled better on the GD. This is a space meant for that. I’m all for goth vampire elves!


Just gonna mirror Falllyn here on that part…

I’ve never seen such things occur and the Anti’s as a whole are very supportive of LGBTQIA+ folk…

May be an older issue that was later resolved?

(Also this is Fenelon in case folk don’t know… new toon and while I did mention when I first used him I wanna be obvious.)


Added, should be from “Desastr”. I look like the typical person who would be pushing for vampire elves if that helps.

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Yeah, I’ve heard of old issues where the person was kicked for being terrible.


That GIF is adorable. :heart: :heart: :heart:


san’layn are a mockery created in the image of venthyr. the valkyr are created in the image of kyrian. the scourge as a whole created in the image of the armies of maldraxxus’s but created to be superior to them.

if we are to get san’layn perhaps it would be better to get venthyr version perhaps after kael’thas finishes the whole attonement process he could come back now that the portals to the shadowlands are forever open( yes they are which is intresting)

Personally strongly disagree with this statement. You are free to have your opinion, and I respect it, but I very much disagree.

There is no evidence to the mockery claim, and San’layn were here first. Lorewise, they are far more interesting to me than Venthyr. I can’t stand Venthyr, personally, and do not agree with the idea of afterlife races. At least, not them. Stoneborne and other non-soul races, maybe, but ‘we were living and now are something else’, no.

I do not agree that a venthyr version would be better and would continue to argue for real vampyr elves, not some afterlife race made a decade after the lore was established for the vampyr curse.


Eh, I’d rather get the ones I’ve wanted to play off and on since Wrath. I know their stories and they have an actual connection to Azeroth and story and meaning behind them.

I wouldn’t balk, mind, at the Venthyr. I do like them. Just if I had to choose I’d go with the San’layn any day of the week.


Meanwhile, I’d 100% balk unless we got both as playable separate entities :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh I would not stop asking for San’layn. I just wont mind playing a Venthyr while I wait for them.

I’m still asking for Wildhammer too.


It was dealt with like a year ago. Without giving too much away as far as the people involved, the person who was at the receiving end of it is a frequent poster who is still in the Discord.

Thanks for your concern but it’s been handled.


i meant kael’thas comes back and makes a new group of san’layn this would have to to not be a new race but more of a new class a hero class for the blood elves and perhaps even void elves.


That would be a bit better, especially if the vampyr curse was related to venthyr. Then, getting a mixture of customization (nosferatu & beauty to represent both kinds of common vampires) would also be cool to satisfy both parties.

Class, though, I dunno. I don’t think we need more classes. I like the idea of customization or race more.


and perhaps some flight related abilities , who knows the new dragon race could also open up possibilities for that.

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Hmm… I could live with that for sure.

That would be amazing.

Yeah I’m not hopped up on this class/race setup with the Dracthyr they got going. I don’t want such things like customizations limited that way.

I want San’layn to have a bat form mount. I’m not sure how that would be done if its customizations instead of an AR but I’d still want it.


Looks really nice! I’ve been thinking about maybe doing a Wrath mog for pre-patch.


Armory working again.

Much better picture.

I like a lot of the Wrath gear even today. Would love new updated models.


I would LOVE this. They did it in Legion with BC gear and ugh just… I wish they’d do it with Wrath gear because the Legion remodels are so good .-.


Yup yup apologies. It appears that I was mislead. My apologies. I suppose I cannot trust people apparently.