San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I hope your migraine goes away. I’ve gotten those before and they suck!


I found Ardenweald way over themed personally. It’s the afterlife of nature… and eternal night… Like, it’s literally themed as the Night Elf Druid afterlife. It’s even run by Elune’s sister for crying out loud.

That and the shape your soul takes in Ardenweald if it’s your afterlife is a glowy blue blob of anima shaped like an animal. I love that as a form to shift into as an ability, but I hate the idea of that being my form for the rest of eternity after I die.


The one flaw with that is them having Jaina talk about Sylvanas being crazy and violent. Jaina needs to go to Revendreth and look in a mirror.

And reading between the lines/all the pieces it was supposed to be even MORE Night Elf themed. Buuuut then the backlash of the burning of Teldrassil reached them while they were working on it and “oh, maaaaaybe we shouldn’t hyper focus on that story beat then…” and so a lot of that got cut, then conversely how Bromswamdi was so popularly received so his stuff got added in a placement last minute (that was explicitly confirmed).

So you got the Night Elf story, which got reduced.

You got Da Other Side, which got added last minute.

And then there’s the Drust, which were obnoxious and then they just forgot about them or soemthing? The ending of them felt rushed.

You’re not stuck, Huln Highmountain shifts between his eagle and Tauren form as he wants, so I figure it’s a preference thing. I would totally stay a Wolfhawk as much as possible :3

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Ah, cool. I didn’t know that. On the main story all the souls are permanently in animal form (when they have enough mana to even materialize), and I haven’t done the Night Fae campaign yet.

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nods nods

It might be an Anima thing as well yeah.

Or Huln’s just that badass.

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Main umbrage I have with Shadowlands is because of it we’re never gonna see the Stewards or the Fauns or the not-Centaurs again >_>

Like, if the other zones could have been like Bastion they would have been awesome, Bastion really hit home the the beautiful alien ness and serenity of an afterlife.

Ardenweald kinda did but paled in comparison in to Bastion.

Maldraxxus and Revendreth? Nope. Revendreth was relatable. Too relatable, it didn’t feel like an afterlife at all, everything was too grounded with the civil war and uprising. You could have uprooted the whole story and tossed it onto Azeroth with mortals and absolutely nothing would have changed.

I got a steward pet and my pocopoc pet, so now I’m ready to leave haha. I will miss the steward potion, but maybe they should carry that part over to Dragonflight and have companions we can pick to go out in the world with us. I know they are getting rid of the mission tables but companions or minions don’t need to be tied to that.


The worst thing is what Blizz did to Vol’jin. Not only did he get killed off by a trash mob, but then his story after was all to the side and optional.


By a certain definition, since it’s a part of the Night Fae campaign.

That was my main problem with the story is some of it is locked off. Like the covenants should have had something sure, but like class halls instead of vital information about long-standing characters that had dangling plot threads. I had to take a character through each covenant to get the full story. Instead of the different areas telling the full story and the covenants being about what you needed to do to help them.

And none of it made sense because you end up helping everyone anyway… so why is it all locked? I’m glad they are dropping this next expac. You can do the full story there and earn rep (renown) with everyone.


That’s another thing thing, (and to this I attest the animation team and writing team not talking to each other or soemthing) Bastion’s storyline utterly repulsed me to the point I wanted nothing to do with it, I hated their whole MO. “Well part of the campaign is fixing that” yeeeaaah but I learn that after the fact and watching the cinematic I was sided with Davos, in game I would have too if not for all the rebelling angels go from “we disagree with this bad thing you’re doing” to “mauhahaha we serve the maw now all must die” with no nuance, so that whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.

The cinematic for it and Ardeanweald and Maldraxxus felt like bait and switches honestly. Ardeanweald satyr guy was kept out of focus, and then killed off, so bear guy lost a lot of weight there as well.

For Maldraxxus you had Krexus killed off asap so like… okay?

At least Garrosh stayed true to form.


Yeah, I can’t say any of the story was worth it. And while the Kyrian did learn to not be a cult anymore, I still hate that area. And doing the quest where I send innocent souls to the maw STILL is garbage. I’m sending little kids and a puppy to the Maw. Thanks idiots. Now give me my garbage offerings.


Yeah that was my biggest nope nope nope.

Patrick Star Meme

You know the system is broken. It’s doing the thing it’s not supposed to. Your condemning innocents to the Maw. And your still shoveling them in BECAUSE DO NOT QUESTION THE ORDER.

Miss me with that [expletive], grumbles should have let us side with Davos and not have her be generically Evil and crazy.


Yeah it taught all the wrong lessons. Standing up against a cult is evil I guess? :woman_shrugging:


I just can’t get over how bloody dull the Afterlife is.

Like, we spend gold coins and we all speak the same language (except for players) and everyone has the same motivations that would make perfect sense on Greg the Orc in the Barrens and pretty much the wildest thing is that your flight path goes through portals.

Granted, I haven’t touched the new zone yet. But if you can’t do “Beyond the Veil wooooo” without making it utterly prosaic, maybe it was a mistake to try.


Blizzard tried too hard on Ardenweald. They repeated their mistake of all druids = night elf and also went and retconned a ton of druid lore in process of making it.

Imo the Huln and Vol’jin parts are the only good ones, the rest are mediocre. If you want some extra fun doing it, do it on a HMT.

( ) φ θς ∆ □Ω⊗≰?


Kinda crazy how this thread has been up almost 4 years and they haven’t added any customizations to the barber shop/character creation at the very least :joy:

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


If even San’layn go neutral(in a sense) I will be pretty curious to where the night elf variant “thirst” will come from. I had always believed that their thirst was born from their highborne mana addiction.