San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

A flag is not a ban, nor a ban attempt. Just a flag. You cannot be banned unless you are doing something wrong. You claim you are not.


Flagging a post is the first step in a ban. You see something clearly criminal or against forum rules and you report/flag it. Then it gets evaluated then they get removed/suspended/banned.

It only is if you are doing something wrong. If you are not doing anything wrong like you claim, then you have nothing to worry about.

I think it’s best for you to stay away from OP and this thread if it’s that toxic to you. It’s the mature thing to do.


Oh you sweet summer child.

I genuinely think this is adorable and I hope you are telling the truth. I wish I could get back to that innocence again.

They clearly have an obsession. Maybe they just think they being righteous and sticking up for their pal or something but they just make themselves look bad and give bumps so it’s like



No one is a sweet summer child here. There are rules, follow them, you won’t be banned. If you have been suspended before, then you broke the rules. I’ve been suspended before, twice. It wasn’t because of some community vendetta. It was my own actions. You just have to learn and move on.

Mute the subject or whatever it takes. But dragging out personal grievances just makes you look bad.


They are trying to insult me now, lol. They are something else, lol.


No one has the ability to do any of that…

You’re being trollish and aggressive in a thread without even being on topic… That’s why you’re getting flagged.

No one got you flagged. Several people did flag you for review… There isn’t some conspiracy.

Look at your posts. It’s not at all a wonder you got flagged.

I assure you, you got you flagged and doing the same things that got you flagged before again probably won’t be helpful to you.

The bumps to the thread are nice I guess.



If you are naive enough to think nobody would ever try to get me actioned on the forums because they don’t like what I say or agree with me, then you are very much a naive “sweet summer child.”

I am talking about the internet. Specifically the WoW forums where you have Horde Supremacists like OP running these controversial threads that I try and help you guys get out of.

If you want to try and ban me, go ahead. If you try and act naive I will literally act like you are a “sweet summer child.”

I didn’t say no one would try to get you actioned. YOU said they tried to ban you. They cannot do that.

Don’t call people names and insult them. Now you are doing it to me. But you are the victim I’m sure.

Who cares if people like Horde that much? It’s a video game forum.

I haven’t tried to ban you.


They very much can try to ban me but forum rules prevent me from talking about any actual actions taken against me or anyone else. I can talk about failed attempts to ban me because that’s not actually account actions. More like failures. Trust me on this I don’t care about your little clique. I just don’t like people building up a cult.

I’m not a part of any clique, so calm the paranoia. I’m a poster on the forums. I don’t know if other people know each other, but you obviously aren’t here to try and help add to the thread. Anyone can see that.


I’m not the one who was almost banned. I’m the calm one who has been calm the entire time.

I also wasn’t almost banned. But you don’t seem to understand how things work.

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Did you question a clique on the forums that mass reported you?

No, because there was no clique that reported me. I did something I shouldn’t have (called Kotick a name), I shouldn’t have done that. Instead of acting like I’m the victim, I just won’t do that again.

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Okay well he’s not actually Blizzard he’s the CEO of Activision-Blizzard.

Badmouthing him and getting punished isn’t really like having a clique target you. But I admire you for speaking your mind about Bobby.

What clique?

You came in ranting about the OP and cryptic things about Horde fans. Which yes this is a long standing Horde request so surprise you’re among people who play Horde.


Why are you guys still talking to that gnome? They’re a little obnoxious. Their opinions are short-sighted. Just put them on ignore. Ain’t nobody got time for small-minded people.

I’m going to make a vampire toon after I’m done grading finals for the programming class in a few weeks.

Just imagine the one scene from space balls going through my head:


The thread you are posting that comment in, is in fact, a clique.