San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The OP can’t “try to ban you”

If mods actioned your behavior that’s on you and… well your behavior


Yep, posters cannot ban anyone. Maybe don’t troll threads and learn lessons.


oh you sweet summer child.

No one on the forums can try to ban you. People can report posts, but they aren’t bans unless a mod bans you. But I wouldn’t keep testing the waters, because they let you go for a bit and then start handing out vacations.


No one on the forums can try to ban you
lol okay.

Do you just not know how the forums work? If you get reported, that is not a ban nor a ban attempt. You don’t get banned or are at a risk of a ban, unless you are doing something to get banned.


No OP has the ability to ban you.

Posters can flag you but after that a moderator of the forums will determine what happens to you.

If you’re violating the coc you’ll get actioned if not you won’t.

If you feel the action was unwarranted you can appeal it.

No one here has any power to do anything to you beyond putting you in front of a mod… Assuming more than what… 3 or 4 people also flag you.


All of their posts are nonsensical cryptic unwarranted personal attacks on the OP anyways I don’t understand what they expected

The request is a long standing Horde request. “Exposing” people here as Horde players is hardly a reveal but they seem to think that has some huge impact to point out…

Like I have no idea what they are on about.


calling people cult leaders isn’t a way to respectfully present yourself and is only served to pick fights. Just like this post is also just picking a fight.

I know you want to feel persecuted but you are doing this to yourself.


I don’t even understand what they hope to accomplish with this. It has zero impact on anything other than make themselves look bad.


I do. That’s why I wasn’t banned.

They have all the ability to manipulate the forum metrics and try and get me flagged and banned.
They got me flagged and the human who looked at it said no and didn’t suspend or ban me.

That’s using your influence to try and ban someone and failing.

I wouldn’t keep testing the waters. Blizz has been trying to curb toxic behavior in the community. Coming into a thread to attack the OP and stir up trouble will likely get your head on the chopping block.


So you went from calling me a liar to admitting that OP is just trying to get me banned even though I am not breaking rules. Okay.

If you aren’t breaking the rules you have nothing to worry about.


Yes exactly. Glad you are on my team rawr.

So why are you whining then?


No I don’t know what went on with you. You said, they are trying to ban you.

They cannot try to ban you. They can only flag you.

And yes, personal attacks are not allowed. You are given just enough rope, but really don’t heed my warning. It’d be interesting to see what happens actually.


What exactly have I done that constitutes “whining”

you came in, brought up an issue that is like 2+ days old and are making up conspiracy theories about how mean the OP is to you even though by your own account nothing happened.



Do you honestly think I wasn’t flagged and cleared before I wrote that?

Do you honestly think I haven’t been flagged again since I wrote that? Think carefully before you answer if you do at all.

Also, what do you think “trying to ban” means?"

You flag them and hope they get banned.