San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I hope it #1 because why add San’layn to Legion, BFA, and easter eggs all of a sudden


I agree. I feel as though it does mean something, otherwise why bring something back from LK era. And I don’t believe ,at all, it’s “to make Alliance feel good.”

Did you guys hear something?


Yeah. It might’ve been on the PTR but the Night Elven dark rangers used to be night elves wearing the helm that gives them red eyes. Now they have a unique skin. I checked it out in WoWhead’s dressing room. Both genders in both nelfs and belfs have a skin.

PS: Ignore that guy. He’s not worth the stress or attention. Attention is what he wants.


Also i noticed the night elves have a weird wooden skin on wowhead too? what’s up with that (off topic though lol)

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Yeah I noticed that too. I also noticed weird fiery skin.

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I’m Alliance and now interested in them.

They don’t make me think that the Horde is evil.

They gave the Horde spice.

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Irony is that trolls actually bump the thread when we’re having valid discussions too. People might hate megathreads but at least they’re not the same topic spammed over and over. People have the capability of muting megathreads which should therefore eliminate them as a “problem”.

I think those are supposed to be training dummies. Really really creepy ones.


Would be awesome if next xpac we got San’layn and Necromancers.

Might actually get me to bother leveling from scratch for the first time in years.


The points on san’layn being evil is pretty subjective in general, their curse makes it so much easier to be evil for them. It would take a lot of self control and discipline for them to be good, and at the moment in their mind it may not be worth it since they are considered KOS anyway, If they found welcome within the Horde, we may see them come out of their shell, because right now they wouldn’t have much incentive or chanc eto do so.


I really, really, REALLY hope we get San’layn! As an Alliance counterpart, we need something more akin to Night Elves, like the fact that I previously mentioned Dryads/Keepers of the Grove, a lot earlier in this thread.


The main problem with necromancers is that they are to close to Demo and unholy dk which can be a big issues, making them have a identity

Like unholy, it’s between bm hunter, warrior, and Affy lock, and has very big identity issues, and therefore suffering besides dps

A ‘solution’ i was thinking for necros is they could be warlocks actually. a complex glyph or questline to change all their spell effects and minions into a theme of undeath rather than demons


This thread is always great to read while eating dinner.


I have a few questions I know they drink blood but is blood required for their diet to survive? And if so how often do they need to feed? Would once in awhile be fine or is it like nope they need 3 meals a day or they die? Idk if it’s ever been mentioned before.

Be careful about how much you talk about necromancers or Dark Rangers away from this thread. People don’t want to hear it. :stuck_out_tongue: Most generally it’s orcs that take the most umbrage to the idea.

Unfortunately, I don’t think Blizzard thinks too highly of doing that much work now days.

1.) Unlike Blood dks, they actually do need blood to survive
2.) We’re not sure
3.) We’re not sure


Those are excellent questions!

…That unfortunately, we have no definitive answers to. But we do pretty much have good estimations.

Princey here says: “Still I hunger, still I thirst.” when killed. He also has some other really interesting ones:
" So appetizing."
“Fresh, warm blood. It has been too long.” when fed.

Oh! There’s also Dreven, and his famous quote.

(Not my screenshot)

Where he implies that there’s more power in drinking night elves than undead. So it could be a matter of maintaining power, or it could be absolutely required. Personally I think it’s required, especially with how Taladram acts. Otherwise, they go insane, like what we see with humans in Stormhiem afflicted by the blood curse.

That’s one of the things I hope they cover more in lore–how exactly the blood curse works.

I can only assume it varies both on the potency of the blood and the amount of energy they are using, if they can conserve the energy they gain from feeding for survival at all. My guess would be they need to do so pretty regularly, seeing as it is a ‘curse of hunger’

but we can’t be very certain here

man I loved Taldaram, RIP you beautiful hunk of vampire


I think Tol’vir would be the best counterpart of Dryads, for Sanlayn maybe Half- elves? Queldorei? Azsuna elves?

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Maybe due to the firelands npcs?

It just means they have to be creative. Demon Hunters abilities are pretty much all preexisting abilties with new flair and theme and it works out well.

I’ll have to watch for that…I was mainly taking notice of the red background, but you’re probably right.

I think Quel’dorei make the most sense. Then both sides have their main elf of that style and a vampiric version.