I wasn’t following the thread from the beginning so I don’t know how it started or why, but I do know that poster has a history that several have confirmed, and when I heard exactly what happened, I was very angry. My post was more pointed toward the other person in this thread I have on ignore, but I’ve seen that fellow (the one in the other thread) be defended just because he likes high elves, which isn’t cool.
I don’t have a strong opinion for or against void elf paladins (though would be annoyed if they got it without blood elves getting druids, and if they got it when everyone else got…well, nothing else.) I have seen people completely flip out over void elves not getting paladins, spamming multiple threads, and what not.
The issue comes up often because this person tries to maintain the guise of innocence after pulling some really nasty stuff. Honestly, if someone with a truly horrible history (homophobia, harassment, racism) agrees with me on something, I just put them on block.
On the subject of said specific poster, rather than formally apologize and accept that what they did was wrong, they continue to try and twist things & people jump up to defend them. I’m not naming any specific people, it’s just frustrating to see things being twisted into something they are not.
Though yes, I can understand such a derailment is frustrating-- I’ve been there, in this thread, and am dealing with it in a completely different way now. But I wouldn’t want people with that sort of history pushing options with vigor and staining the movement. People bring it up constantly because they keep getting away with it and keep getting support from the more toxic members of the playerbase simply because he likes high elves. I think people would be far less angry if either they were ignored or called out by more than the opposition.
In the end, I’ve outright just not posted in threads I agree with because the poster has a history (sometimes with me personally) of being absolutely terrible. I don’t like wandering the forums much, especially lately, and especially after certain people (this is referring to no one currently participating in the thread) caused drama outside of the forums and caused a massive amount of anxiety. Having experienced some of the extreme-end people will go to defend pixel elves and flip out over different opinions, yeah, I’m very frustrated.
You said the short and sweet version of everything I just said and lol I love it. Why do I overexplain so much Anyway, yes, this. Exactly this, pretty much.