San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I wish. If you want a realistic answer, I have to say no. There’s been no sign of them lately. I don’t even know if the Quill of Lana’thel will give us anything of value.

I wish I had brighter things to say but unfortunately the story doesn’t bring good news for stuff anytime soon.

Tbh, there has to be more San’layn coming from somewhere, the amount of NPCs working for Dreven was quite a few. However, Blizz’s population representation isn’t exactly the best in game so I’m not too sure. But, I’d assume there’s more somewhere that’s just out in hiding.

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Oh yes, definitely, I agree. There’s no way the entirety of that race was on those two ships, that would have to be the dumbest decision ever. With how worried Shandris was toward, well, the Neophytes becoming more powerful, I think it’s fair to say there’s a lot more we don’t know about. Plus Theraldis and Atherann.

I just am unsure if we’ll see that fallout anytime soon, but who knows. Blizzard is being very tight lipped when it comes to anything to do with ARs. This one hasn’t been brought up at all, but continues to be talked about (not as much as others, but we’re still here!)


I like to think that after the Lich King fell they fled and a bunch of them where hiding in some decrepit haunted house or crypt type place and Dreven was the first one to try and find something better for Himself.

Would make the others really easy to recruit.

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Yeah I’d have to agree on the tight lipped thing. They did say they wanted to try and bring forth more Allied Races through the entire expac, and even after the expac, so here’s to hoping they will be an allied race and that the information on all this stuff on the Alliance’s side will be uncovered a bit further. It’s a bit interesting Sylvanas managed to get her hands on the San’layn without anyone knowing but perhaps the higher ups she works with like Nathanos, and of course the Alliance.


Dont you dare lose faith. We will prosper under our new lich queen. Sylvanis will render us the shanlyn


As long as they get some really horrific undead customization options, I’d be down for it. I wouldn’t want “blood elves but grey” though. The Horde has too many elves as it is.


That’s fine! I still am totally rooting for sharp teeth like what goblins have, and bat-like ears. I also think pure black eyes would look both epic and horrific.


You mean like Vlad von Carstein from Warhammer style?.
This image?

Would be fine, I think a mix could be neat. Personally I wouldn’t want just butt-ugly San’layn of course, but more monstrous yet not terrible too.


Similar to self mutilated draenor orcs could just be an option, i want the chinese forsaken as an option a well tbh since people like both options.


I think that’s a good idea, yeah. Plus very bestial features too. I wonder if they’d let us have teeth options for these guys? From something like just ordinary fangs to an entire jaw full of shark teeth. That’d be neat.

Also I’m not going to bother even asking a question in the next QnA. Subject was beaten into the ground at Blizzcon and this QnA especially will give 0 new information.

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+1 for sanlayn, ogres, queldorei and dryads :hugs:


Looks like I was right about the QnA folks. Hopefully we’ll at least get some information about the Quill soon. If that quest chain lacks and San’layn or blood curse news I’ll be so dissapointed.


So far, this entire expansion has me disappointed. I really wanted San’layn or undead elves at least, but Blizzard refuses to give us any answer worthwhile. I’ve wanted to play as a dark ranger forever or at least since I first started playing almost twelve years ago. Usually expansions have something for everyone, but I’m not feeling that this expack. Plus, players have never been more rude. I hate the faction war story. I hate that they went from Sylvanas being clever and morally questionable to being on the nose evil.

Not just evil stupid evil. It’s ruined more than one of my favorite characters. I’m hoping that I’ll at least get one thing I want. I am an undead and elf fan, so san’layn or dark rangers would be perfection. So far there’s been nothing positive for the undead. Both sides get screwed over pretty badly too.


Speculation time

In Legion and BFA, the San’layn have showed themselves quite a lot lately. And even with Dreven dead, I honestly doubt that we have seen the last of them.

And in Legion, Bolvar hasn’t been Bolvar the man we once knew. He accepts all undead or damned and making the Knights of the Ebon Blade do questionable things.

For this reason I have a high speculation that Bolvar sent the San’layn out. With what his intentions with them is unknown, but I highly speculate Bolvar is behind them.

I also believe, that he could possibly create more San’layn and already has started the influence. If you go to Nazmir, you can see Blood Elves, practicing blood magic. Which is very San’layn of them and not like normal Blood elf stuff.


makes sense Belves are experimenting with blood magic after encountering blood troll magic. they are curious about magic in all forms like the void, i wouldnt assume a sanlayn link because of that

But you have to put in consideration my other speculation about Bolvar an him making San’layn

And yet they cast out the void elves for “experimenting,” but hey, that’s none of my business :frog::tea:

Bolvar is indeed up to something. No doubt he knows about happenings right now too, what with the future expedition to look into who decided Sylv being warchief was a good idea. Someone had suggested at one point that the San’layn recruitment scenario, should they become an Allied Race, would be to break off from working with Bolvar currently and finally become their own person. A similar story to Death Knights and Forsaken, which I think would be entirely appropriate for this race.