San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

My support for:




In terms of the Heritage Armor. What is the True Heritage Armor for the San’layn. I mean I only know what the High Elves are going to be in terms of the Ranger look but what about San’layn. Vampiric Magisters or Dark Blood Mage Version?

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DRYADS ALL THE WAY! Pitch in Keeper of the Grove, as a Male counterpart of the Dryad!


Good question. We were thinking either variants of the Blood Prince armor or things like a Dracula outfit. A really neat vampire cape could work as well. I think something like this also would be cool:

But I am extremely bias because this is one of my favorite movies.

An outfit like this could also work for females:

If we’re thinking references. I see most often things like the famous “Dracula cape” mentioned, which I do agree with. If we don’t actually get wings as customization or a racial (which is sadly likely), then perhaps wings can be on the shoulders. I think it would be super neat if they had an effect like them on the warlock helm, except it would be attached to the shoulders, where bat-like wings would pop out when you jump.

Also, helm-wise, I think the famous fang-mask would be a must ^^

I think there was a Dryad mega at one point too. I would totally roll a dryad if given the chance, I love their attitudes and how much they care about nature :smiley:


Here’s my thought about implementing Dryads/Keepers of the Grove… Ok, here it goes: Whenever they are on a flying mount, give them only two feet, like any pure-bred Night Elf would have. Same for swimming. For a land mount, let them keep all four legs. Combat? That might be tricky… Armor? Tricky, as well. Their starting area could be shared with the Night Elves, in Shadowglen, but in a different “phase”.

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Or… hear me out… or

This is credited to the leader of the dryad discord, not me ^^


Swimming would be a challenge!

I think that’s the easy one, something based of the Blood Princes; Qualia’s female model uses a pretty spot on female version, just perfect!

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Sorry this is one of my favorite gifs that I found on my travels, I interrupt this program to say it. (I mean, spiders, San’layn, hey it works.) <3


Please no.

Don’t add these.

I don’t want to feel tempted to race change again.

Same. At least one for sure. Two if they can be DKs.

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I have the perfect response to this.

…Except I’d have a ton of race changes too. Hmm…did I play myself?

i want to say. I support this. Blizzard we need this elf.
Also, The flirts might be going a little to far for blizzards taste. the more corny ones work but we are still doing the T rating.


Fair, fair, but I see flirts like these:

Male Night elf: “I hope you’re not afraid of snakes.”
Draeni Female: * “I want you to lick and splat my gurgling noises slurping noises

Worgen female: * “I hope you don’t mind a little howling in bed.”
“Don’t worry babe… the fur is just something to hold onto.”

Worgen male: “If you play nice, I’ll share my bone with you…”

Orc male: “That armor looks good on you. It would look even better on my floor.”

Blood Elf Female: “Is that a mana wyrm in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

(source and more:

Personally I way prefer the corny ones. All of these aren’t my ideas of course, it’s a collaboration effort in this case, trust me!


“What do you say we go back to my ship and… ah… twist our nethers?”

  • Lightforged Draenei Female in Heat

“I may be a draenei in the streets, but I’m an eredar in the sheets.”

  • Lightforged Draenei Male attempting to display game.

Oooh yeah hekhekhek. I didn’t even know about those ones

i didnt even know these exsisted!!! 10/10 very happy.
Blizzard devs got some dirty minds ;3


Yeah they have a lot more ‘mature’ jokes, same with Void Elves. I believe LF Draenei for women also say something about it being more fun with lights on than being in the dark.


do you think we are gana get shanlyn next rotation?
I mean, vulpera seems like a definit for the horde and right around the corner.
the new fish bois are 100% alliance in 8.2
Do you think we will get it pre 8.4?

Signing my signature in support of this.

Burn Burningson of Burning Legion