San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

For me it was the flower crowns. Lance and I usually skip holidays since we got the Violet Proto-Drake like 10000 years ago.

Actually, I was usually the one harassing Lance to play. He’s usually not in the mood, but I always have at least a low key itch to come back.

When he was like “Hey, I kinda want to play. Wanna sign up?” I jumped haha.


I can confirm, this is the truth.


So happy to see some familiar awesome faces up :slight_smile: I can still post pictures so always feel free to poke me to do so if you folks need.

And good luck getting those holiday crowns! They’re fun. I hope they make other stuff like the forever rose permanent at some point too.


They really should. Holiday exclusive transmogs are worthless. There really is no good excuse to keep them locked to events.

If someone thinks an out of season Santa hat is the most ridiculous mog in the game, they’d better take a good, hard look at the transmog system in general.


Minimal Death Knight involvement.


Oh my gods I could rant about this one all night, honestly. Which makes sense given motions to class


It’s like they where trying to do a Warcraft Expansion without Warcraft.


The most perfect description of Shadowlands I’ve ever seen tbh.


World of storm of throat clearing noises: Shadowlands!


My hopes and dreams (even though I’ve left but who knows, I could come back someday, but I like making suggestions even with the tiniest hope someone is listening) are that we do a return to Azeroth and the Death Knights do have some relevancy.

The scourge are rampaging and it’s a perfect patch or even extensive plotline over a few patches to take care of that. That would have been the proper WotLK 2.0, I feel, and we could have recruited intelligent scourge on our side like the San’layn.

I mean…think about it. San’layn were the scourge’s top tacticians, and given they’d finally be free, they could use that knowledge to help everyone else against the scourge. That said, it could be a storyline patch and daily patch. Perhaps currency could be gained toward some new mounts/pets. Maybe a remodel of a raid/dungeon occupied by the new scourge.

Given the scourge have free will, we could also see the rise of new really interesting villains, too. Like…there’s so much to play with. Personally, I want to see an Utguarde Keep raid, I mean that place in the Fjord is awesome and I used it as a RP spot for my ‘city of monsters’ back when I played.

But there’s also the Old Kingdom, where we could explore more on the Nerubians.

Like, there’s so much lore & content they could touch upon and didn’t. Granted, it’s still on the table if not pushed under the rug.

Here’s some of my ideas:
-Relevant to this thread: Origin of the Blood Curse for vampyr, exploring more of its effect, and the link to Vry’kul
-Exploring more of the Old Kingdom and what the Nerubians might have been up to.
-More intelligent scourge villains. As much as I hate Shadowlands, if that lore has to remain and not be retconned via ‘Void Vision’ dream scenario, who’s to say the Mawsworne haven’t kept on rezzing the powerful ICC bosses, and who’s to say some haven’t gotten away?
-More necromancy stuff, people keep dying and coming back as undead, it can be a problem.
-More exploring of the Argent Crusade & Ebon Blade’s relationship.
-We could toss rogue demons in there too, cause why not? What if some of them are using the undead to try and build a new Legion?

Like, so many possibilities, many I’m not even listing (people can piggyback here if they want).

Edit: Heck, why not a THIRD Naxx?


As long as we don’t lose the second one for it.
Looks pointedly at Blizzard.


Took the words right out of my mouth.

There’s no good reason to remove content like they have in the past.


Really cool race and the amount of content possible in such a place would let Blizzard double the size of an expansion if they ever did something in Northrend again.

I would also love a full Ulduar zone, love titan architecture and love the Yoggy story in Wrath.


Yeah I agree, like I’ve seen people suggest a whole underground city zone with that and really like the idea. It’d be super unique, and flying could be earned across such a wide area anyhow if it’s a zone.

That also sounds cool, yeah I like titan architecture way more than what they’re feeding us in SLs. Who’s to say old god corruption hasn’t returned to that area?


Like the one we were supposed to get in Wrath.

They really did Azjol’Nerub dirty.


Release of a necromancer and/or Dark Ranger classes…


Well when we killed N’zoth and threw away an expansion of content in Nazjatar/Ny’alotha, I remember some sort of retcon about C’thuun. Instead of being imprisoned, C’thuun was killed, and I want to say that was correct for Yoggy too. If my memory there is correct, there’s a huge amount of story wasted and would make old god corruption in Ulduar odd, but not impossible? I mean, what happened to all the saronite, since it was Yogg’s blood? It must still be there, since the Lich King built his fortresses out of it, and they haven’t crumbled, but is its crazing effect still active?


If I had to choose I’d go with Necromancer. There haven’t been any cloth classes added yet, and we already have enough leather users. That and I’d really rather not see Alliance Dark Rangers. That being said, I still would love a Dark Ranger class.

By the Void, that was such a massive waste.


Jeez, they really threw so much content away in BfA.

The Old Gods being able to return was one of their main draws as villains.

To just retcon them out of being able to return is a huge mistake.


I really don’t even get why they did it. Keeping them around means possible future content that a large amount of people like and killing them retroactively makes them way less cool. Doing nothing would’ve been both easier and better.