San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It has personally given me a bit of hope. A lot needs to be done to get players trusting and happy with the game, and fulfilling reasonable requests gradually and long-term is a good way to do that.

Granted, we don’t know what the future holds, but hopefully San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen is part of it! :wine_glass::bat:


Ion admitting that he’s not closing any doors anymore really gives me hope.

Maybe we’ll be heard.


I am hoping san’layn are added and that they are awesomely amazing.


Hah-hah! Now not even your premade PVE groups are safe from us, vampire scum! You can run, but you cannot hide!

  • Sincerely, the Weredoggo Empire

I decided to bring this thread and the Dark Ranger one back to the top by adding that I’m still here waiting for my San’layn customization options for Blood Elves or my San’layn Allied Race for Horde Blizzard. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Bonus : I also really want red and pink eyes and burgundy and pink hair colors. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


Still hoping for an AR or as part of a sub-race system.

Though I’d take it as customization if that’s what it comes down to.


Arnt red eyes more a dark ranger thing? or like a velf old god thing?

Dunno seems too close to the belfs and velfs to get a whole AR (like how mechagnomes shoulda been customisation)- wouldnt the Sanlayn betraying the horde and the forsaken so recently just seal their fate as non horde?

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What if they split that stuff between horde and alliance elves? Because yeah sanlayn are former blood elves, but arnt the velves former belves too?

There are San’layn in lore that have had different color eyes. Some white, yellow and red. And red and pink would still fit their aesthetic. There is also no reason that Belves, Velves and San’layn couldn’t all have those colors. Velves with a very old god look.


Red eyes have always been an undead blood elf thing. Some dks have red eyes already. Dark rangers in the forsaken are undead high elves. Darkfallen is a name they gave to basically undead high elves/elves in general. Technically the undead night elves are considered darkfallen. The san’layn can be considered darkfallen too but they have an additional blood curse it seems that is similar to revendreth venthyr beings. Since we know Denathrius was allied with the Jailer it is to say the lich king had access to shadowlands magics and knowledge to a degree through the helm and sword.

Void elves are a whole new thing and any red eyes they get would look different from undead night elves since they are different schools of magics. N’zoth has more orange fierce eyes for example, Undead eyes seem to glow red with a sort of anima.

We know shadowlands magic is based of anima so they could make both sources of magic look different. Much like how we see kyrian magic look blue and unique to the traditional dk magic eyes.

They belong on horde imo. With crossfaction gameplay coming it doesn’t really matter which side gets it, but San’layn have always been more of a horde thing imo.
Void elves are in a weird state now since they took most of the blood elf customization and basically made it more of a choice which citiies you want to play in and faction to quest with.

Alliance already got all the blood elf skin tones, and most of the hair colors, and the void elves did not share back >.>


Still keeping hope for playable Horde San’layn, preferably as their own race slot on the character creation screen.

I haven’t really thought too much with customization options with my San’layn character ideas. I think it’s something I’d have to see what all is available to be able to have a better idea of how I’d want my San’layn characters to look. For some races I want, I have a general idea of how I’d want them to look. For others, it is something I need to play with the character creator and actually see on my computer screen. A bit hard to explain.

As I mentioned elsewhere, if Blizzard is considering requests that have been going on for awhile, I hope they look at the race request megathreads for consideration. San’layn included, of course! :wine_glass::bat:


Thats where I personally want to see em and my hope.

They’re too different from blood elves to just be customizations and I would be remiss to see them lose out like Wildhammer did.

Fangs, claws, no lower jaw option, red eyes, pink eyes, white eyes, black eyes, bat like wings…

Most of the things in the Main post video and such I really like. Gives them a flair to what they are without going too far from the source material.


Agree very much. Plus it makes more sense lore wise for Undead and Blood Elves too for the San’layn to be Horde.


old god eyes are orange with the pupils stylized in a certain way.

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These sound like they would be super cute or maybe since I’m thinking of bats like bats I really want them, either way I want them. Lol. :bat: :bat: :bat:


Thanks to a “buy 3 for the price of 2” sale on Amazon, I got a few D&D 5e books, including Curse of Strahd. It’s a campaign setting in Ravenloft that I heard was really good.

I mention this because of its vampiric theme. It’s something that could give some San’layn idea inspiration. I’m also thinking of looking into D&D 5e stuff in general, having an interest in being a DM and also to get some inspiration for writing in general.

If you want to see a review of this book, you can see one here:

Strahd von Zarovich is an infamous character in D&D with a lot of backstory. This video goes over some of it, along with explaining a bit of Ravenloft:

And this video is a walkthrough of one of the original modules using Ravenloft:

Whenever I get the book, I’ll be sure to share anything that would be useful for San’layn idea inspiration! :wine_glass::bat:


Saw this a while ago. I thought it was interesting discussing irl vampire lore, and it’s association with plagues.


After blood elves had several of their customizations handed to void elves and undead didn’t get an allied race at all, I’m entirely for the Horde getting san’layn as either a race or blood elf customization. If the former, then even better, but if the latter, I won’t have to retire my blood elf mage, and blood elves can use the extra theme after void elves got theirs. Either one might also serve as a “good enough” for people who want playable venthyr.


While I’d prefer to see Horde San’layn be added as an AR with its own racials and heritage and voice lines and such, I’d take it as customization. Just not my preferred.

I’d also be interested in a potential option to theme/skin their abilities to be blood based?

I’m also not against them being added with a sub-race system.


Just throwing this out there.

Blood Torrent