San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

There is a lot to work with when it comes to San’layn. It’s a real shame that they were just a monster-of-the-week briefly and totally forgotten in BfA instead of getting more fleshed out, but I’ve complained about that so much, it’s yet another thesis paper I’m sure I could type about.

It’s a shame that San’layn and Dark Rangers (please correct me if I am wrong) so far aren’t even a part of Shadowlands at all, for that matter. Both would play some pretty important and interesting roles in general.

For Horde San’layn, assuming we had a leader for them (be it one of the missing blood princes or a new one altogether), it’d be interesting to see them having a conversation with Kael’thas. Moreso since the San’layn were followers of Kael’thas at one point and, as I’ve said before, would play a pretty important role in the redemption storyline for Kael’thas.

For Dark Rangers, I’m surprised that they haven’t really been much of a presence. Moreso after what happened with Sylvanas turning her back on them and the Forsaken. I get the Horde would be distrustful of them at first, and likely with San’layn, but both assisting in the Shadowlands and helping to take out Sylvanas would’ve work swimmingly and give the Horde reason to trust them. Dark Rangers in particular I’m sure would have some strong words for her. Also, them chatting with Kael’thas would also be interesting, since he may not know that Dark Rangers became a thing, let alone San’layn in general.

It’s frustrating that there are so many missed opportunities, despite more and more windows opening for them. I know it comes off as complaining, but I think it’s important to keep discussion on it. Not to act as complaining, though it does help to vent, but to show what you could do with San’layn and Dark Rangers and the interest people would have with them being playable in some form.

Well, despite my frustrations, I still have hope for them both. With luck, we’ll see them finally get some love and we’ll get Dark Ranger customization options and Horde San’layn as a full race someday. :wine_glass::bat:


As far as shadowlands goes, I believe many dark rangers chose to remain on the horde. Still serving the forsaken. The night elf dark rangers chose to follow Calia, they were horde in BFA. what they will be in the future is murky but I hope they still end up being horde as I am a personal fan of night elves and want to play them in a form on the horde much like alliance finally got there high elf fantasy look. Although they said Calia wouldn’t be horde, it seems she is learning how to be a leader to the forsaken right now by shadowing Lillian who doesn’t want the position.

We had a brief look at Lana’thel’s soul crystal, it is still in position of the Jailer, meaning they could bring her back again like she was part of the prelaunch event. I hope we rescue her soul as part of a san’layn quest though wether that be a night warrior sort of thing or allied race recruitment story or something.

The ideal blood king (Kael’thas) has also been shown in Shadowlands so if shadowlands is setting up lore in the future I think it sets up San’layn in the future at least as a path. We know blizzard likes to set up some things. Void elves was like the most out of thin air set up though with Alleria. If we knew what we were going to do in 9.2 that would be nice… ptr might go up in a week or two judging from the wowhead news.

If we will finish the Zovaal storyline then it seems we might go to follow him in the Sepulcher. Although it would have been nice to let his plotline stew for a bit in the background. I hope 9.2 adds stuff that let’s us care more about the denizens of the shadowlands. I have also heard that Zovaal’s armor gives many people a drust sort of vibe so maybe he is connected to them. So we might get more drust stuff in 9.2! Which is something I am hoping for. I would appreciate tier sets of drust themes!

Yet another one of my many gripes with Shadowlands. You’d think both loyalist and Horde Dark Rangers would have had a big part in Shadowlands along with Death Knights as it is death themed and heavily focused on Sylvanas . Yet, Dark Rangers who should have a fairly heavy presence are absent entirely and Death Knights are relegated to background characters. This is probably the last expansion pack where Death Knights and undead should shine, but are bafflingly ignored.

We should be very worried about the Scourge rampage considering that BFA left the forces of both sides depleted and everyone that matters is in the Shadowlands. Dark Rangers and Forsaken should be super incensed and hurt by Sylvanas’ betrayal which resulted in the deconstruction of Forsaken society and their displacement. After BFA, the Horde must harbor a deep mistrust and resentment of the Forsaken. We should be seeing some of the fallout of that and the hardships that they face in wake of having their entire perspective shaken. It would make for a very interesting story.

Neither the Forsaken or Kaldorei are in a good place. Azeroth is in a very bad place in all ways possible. We should comeback to a world overrun with undead and the forces of Azeroth barely holding on.

See this right there. The Dark Rangers should be angry and vengeful, having a bone to pick with Sylvanas and driven to stop her not just out of a desire for redemption but to avenge their abandonment. They trusted her implicitly, submitted to her whims with unwavering devotion (until BFA), saw her as a guide and protector only for her to reveal she had been using them all along and casted them away like garbage.

Correct, most Dark Rangers remained loyal to the Horde with Velonara declaring both Sin’dorei and Forsaken as their kin. Pretty sure the Kaldorei Dark Rangers are going to return to their people after seeking council from Calia. As much as don’t want her to be leader, I’m almost sure that’s what Blizzard is going to do.

There’s just too much setup for it. The Scarlet pamphlets airing the Crusade’s resentment of both Calia and Anduin, the unimplemented Dark Ranger questline which involves rescuing Velonara and her apprentice, Prelus from, assumedly, the Scarlets. Then there were those datamined Scarlet Crusade assets that have yet to appear in game. It sounds like the Scarlets are going to return better than ever next expansion and they’re aiming to retake Lordaeron.


I am hoping for undead night elf stuff on horde on a personal bias, or let them be nuetral like the high elf stuff. since nightborne didn’t really get much from night elves, I would love the red eyes on nightborne/forsaken night elf bodies. I was a fan of the undead night elves in BFA. Although Narratively I would understand if they went back on alliance I woudl just prefer them to stay on horde. Loved the interrogation scene in the book with Sira, Tyrande spared her life with Shandris holding her back with words. It would also work as way to introduce a dark ranger hero class if they wanted on both sides. Slyvanas is the first dark ranger, so depending on what happens to her character they may tie those plot threads into a new class if they wanted. Seems like people are Sick of Slyvannas though. We had the first demonhunter teach other demonhunters (Illidan) after all.

I am thinking it would have been nice if we had fel elf customization given to the blood elves with the demonhunters since the Illadari aren’t just all demonhunters, and they can maybe do the same thing with a dark ranger hero class and give those races undead customizations for the other classes to use as well (skin/eyes) and the class specific stuff tied to stuff like tattoos.

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I didn’t get the vibe that the kaldorei dark rangers were running back to the alliance. After being forsaken, I don’t see them meshing well with the night elf remnants, or really any alliance race, as a whole they’re quite xenophobic towards undead (rightly so, based on the third war)

Much like night elf demon hunters being absent for BFA (oh come on, you have this “I’ve sacrificed EVERYTHING for my people” folks just sit out a dramatic extermination effort), it really feels like the blood elf dark rangers should have some skin in the game.

At least a single solitary background character with an opinion.


It’s weird that we don’t see backup coming to help us out like the Dark Rangers, who would make excellent trackers, be familiar with Sylvanas’ tactics, and have a good reason to hunt her down, but somehow noncombatant people like these Stormwind citizens are able to somehow arrive in the afterlife alive:

I can’t even begin to start with the laundry list of problems with this, let alone wonder how they managed to get there in the first place.

Also makes me wonder how bad the undead threat really is if they were able to casually travel to Oribos (and the afterlife of all things), not out a sense of urgency, but to do something that really would get in the way of several things going on.

I could go on, but I need to hit the hay soon. I just can’t help but feel frustrated when I think about Shadowlands in general. -grumble grumble-



Yeah, it’s a bummer that the dark rangers and san’layn haven’t played more of a role. I’m still disappointed we didn’t get a playable necromancer class for this expansion as well.

I’d like to see the faction lock for players dissolved. Factions becoming more of a story element players can choose to align with by how they play.
Then with the story of Shadowlands, we get a storyline that leads to Anduin being freed from his mind control, but along the way there’s also hints toward an event in 9.3 where we find Arthas. Anduin, understanding the hold of Zovaal, convinces others to hear Arthas out, he was manipulated and dominated in the same manner.
With Zovaal defeated, and due to his interference on Azeroth, a variety of characters are given the option to return, if they so wish, not by rebirth or resurrection, but as they are.
Arthas returns with Calia to Lordaeron. Kael’thas gathers up the San’layn and return to Quel’thalas. A time of rebuilding takes place. Kael helping ease tensions with the blood elves. Lordaeron providing labor to assist in the rebuilding of Silvermoon. Deathholme is chosen as a site of a settlement (gothic castle and village) for the San’layn. Close to Lordaeron, but on the border to help defend Quel’thalas.
Perhaps even outposts or even the Citadel itself of Icecrown could be settled as well.
This all gives rise to a new nation of the unliving. Deatholme, Icecrown, Lordaeron, whoever else makes sense. Perhaps Acherus moves above one of the plaguelands, and also assists in the rebuilding.
While people are still uneasy at times around the undead, we’ve been around them, and worked with them enough by this point, that there shouldn’t be such a stigma. They’re just people.
Perhaps there’d be some old prejudices that could become story elements.

A council is formed to govern the undead nations.
Arthas, Calia, Kael’thas, Lillian, Velonara (the new [dark] ranger general), Darion of the Ebon Blade…could even work Draka and Alexandros in if they wanted.

I’d say even add playable necromancers alongside San’layn and dark rangers and have someone as the head of the necromancers tied into it as well.

This could all take place after the Scourge is dealt with, or tie into it all.

Bolvar could rule Icecrown. Arthas returns to Lordaeron.
Perhaps work Azjol’Nerub into it as an actual kingdom as part of the undead union.

With the Alliance and Horde no longer at war, and players not being faction locked, this creates a whole third faction, to work alongside the existing Alliance and Horde and even ties into them.

Lots of neat stuff could be done.
Make all the things playable.


Old God’s this.


Hoping for some news soon on this, fingers crossed for some vampyr lore from Azeroth and such like that, possibly customization hints too. I really hope they continue to expand customization.


I’m not really sure what to expect for 9.2, though I keep feeling like it will be the last major patch for Shadowlands. I’ll be surprised if 9.3 is a thing and, speaking only for myself, the sooner we’re out of Shadowlands, the better IMO.

In terms of the vampyr curse, there still could be a possibility of having it covered in Shadowlands. Likely I’ve asked or talked about this before, but given that Arthas was able to raise San’layn and that the Jailer was able to manipulate Arthas in various ways, I’m wondering if the Jailer had anything to do with the vampyr curse. It isn’t the only explanation for the curse’s origins, of course, but if we did hear anything about it during Shadowlands, I’m curious if Blizzard would trace it back to Zovaal in some way. Not really sure what to think if they did that, of course.

Anyway, I’ll keep an eye out on 9.2 news and report anything of San’layn interest as usual. :wine_glass::bat:


This would be really nice especially after so much of what Blood Elves have customization wise has been shared with Void Elves.

San’layn and Dark Ranger Customizations for Blood Elves. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Red and pink eyes for Blood Elves. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Burgundy and pink hair colors for Blood Elves. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:
Farstrider and runic tattoos for Blood Elves. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:
Scars for Blood Elves. :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:
Better facial hair options for male Blood Elves and makeup options for female Blood Elves. :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:
Updated Paladin mount for Blood Elves. :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:

More skintones including pink, red and brown for Nightborne. :heart: :heart: :heart:
More hair colors including pink, red and aqua for Nightborne. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
More eye colors including pink, purple, red, blue, yellow for Nightborne. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

Upright standing for Undead. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Potential customizations to look like Nathanos. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Better facial hair options for male Undead and makeup options for female Undead. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

Upright standing for Trolls. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Better facial hair options for male Trolls and makeup options for female Trolls. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

Pink hair color for Goblins. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Better facial hair options for male Goblins and makeup options for female Goblins. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Better blue eye color options for Goblins to match the different blue hair color options we have. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

Hairstyle options for Vulpera. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Facial hair options for male Vulpera and makeup options for female Vulpera. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Unlikely but pink fur color for Vulpera. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

Pink eye color for Gnomes to match the pink hair color. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Makeup options for female Gnomes. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

Tails for Worgen. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Pure black fur color for Worgen. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Scars for Worgen. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:
Unlikely but pink fur color for Worgen. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

More eye colors for both Draenei and Lightforged Draenei like purple, blue and pink. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Onyx skintone for Lightforged Draenei. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

More eye colors for Dark Iron Dwarves like red and blue.
More hair color/hairstyle options for Dark Iron Dwarf fire hair to contrast using different color options. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

Unlikely but pink fur option for Highmountain Tauren and Tauren. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Pink hair color for Void Elves. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Void tattoos and void scars for Void Elves. :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:
Better facial hair options for male Void Elves and makeup options for female Void Elves. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:
Permanent glowing skintones for Void Elves. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

Red, green and purple eye colors for Death Knights. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Pink hair color for all races. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Glowing eye colors, normal eye colors and heterochromia for all races. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Wow this is most like the longest list of customizations I’ve ever written but I took my own wants and many other people’s wants that I have read on the forums, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and put them into a long post of my own. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I really wish Blizzard made more use of the conversations you can eavesdrop on to tell us what’s happening “off screen”.

Like, how does Bob the Undead feel about wandering the afterlife? What’s up with the scourge rampaging around Azeroth? How about that giant sword? I would really like a few folks chatting about these things. And that would also be a fabulous way to drip us some of that tasty lore.


With regards to the undead threat, this is what Uther says in that dungeon you run across his spirit:

Horde version:

Uther the Lightbringer says: Perhaps, but know this: there must always be a Lich King. Even if you were to strike down Arthas, another would have to take his place, for without the control of the Lich King, the Scourge would wash over this world like locusts, destroying all that they touched.”

Alliance version:

Uther the Lightbringer says: There is… something else that you should know about the Lich King. Control over the Scourge must never be lost. Even if you were to strike down the Lich King, another would have to take his place. For without the control of its master, the Scourge would run rampant across the world - destroying all living things.”

I’d like to think we would see this undead threat destroying everything it touches or have it referenced as we continue through Shadowlands patches, but unless we get zones in the final patch of the Jailer attacking the living world like the end of BfA (which I will admit, would be kinda interesting), I feel like we may not see much outside of what little there was in the Kyrian campaign.

I do think Silvermoon would be getting bombarded with undead pretty badly, given the storyline of the area, the scourge remnants in Ghostlands, enemy necromancers still around in Deatholme, and being right next to an Amani crypt of all things. I’ve mentioned before that it would be a good way to introduce Horde San’layn helping out in the area and setting up shop in the Ghostlands, and even give a place for Dark Rangers to be during Shadowlands.

It remains to be seen if this undead threat who will totally destroy the everythings will come to be shown or mentioned at all, even if we beat the big bad of the expansion. I feel like it’d be important enough to reference multiple times and making the situation rather dire and urgent that we accomplish what we set off to do, but we’ll see if it comes into play at all in some fashion.



didnt we leave golden guy back on azeroth. we’re likely to return home to the whole planet being ruled by yrel and turalyon. lol vindicaar go boom

I’m sure Yrel will become an issue in the future, though in what way and how she and her Lightbound fanatical group will reach Azeroth remains to be seen.

To be honest, I can’t really imagine us going back to AU Draenor again, nor would I particularly want to since WoD was my least favorite expansion (likely to be usurped by Shadowlands at the rate we’re going). I would only accept going back if it meant we’d get playable Ogres (Horde), Saberon (Either), and Arakkoa (Alliance preferred, but either works).

I do wonder what the next expansion will be about. Lots of rumors going on, and some of them sound interesting. Still hoping we’ll see playable races people have been requesting added overtime! :wine_glass::bat:


This and hopefully they will just be added and playable like previous races and not be a long grindfest like the Allied Races were originally. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


vindicaar was at argus right? different timeline?

I was under the impression that all of the other races that didn’t yield to the lightbound were wiped out. That’s why the Mag’har, Botani and saberon fled to Azeroth. I don’t think that leaves room for Arakkoa and AU ogres. They’re likely all dead. Have Yrel come through but leave AU Draenor behind.

They can go into hiding in Draneor or assimilate into the lightbound army. I believe we had maghar orc paladins with the maghar scenario, the equivalent to garrosh leading a unit then. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got some of the other races to join by force or die like the inquisition. I also hope our old followers from the garrison are ok, at least those that stayed in WoD timezones. We have yet to see any influence of the races that escaped Yrel’s fury impact Azeroth much. Would be nice to see that in a current expansion. Such as maybe the botani going into the forests of kalimdor, exploring un’goro, and maybe desolace. Maybe them meeting the druids and finding new light in moonglade would be cool.