San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Did I say it was never asked for? Noooope. All I’m saying is that people who play Void Elf for, you know, the VOID ELF aesthetic haven’t gotten a single bloody thing from Blizzard in terms of actual customization since they were introduced.

That’s a could have, should have, would of. You are complaining about the past as if you can change it. You can only ever change the present or future. And it takes times to add new things. Such as a tail for worgen. That’s animations to rework, rigging of the tail for all models, reworking worgen armor to accomodate a tail.

You want them to completely redo the nightborne which is unrealistic, that would be basically making a new race since you seem to hate the night elf stuff. Making new emotes is probably easier. Anyways the types of changes you want basically would take a long time to implement, as if they would have to already be working on them for a while now. That’s unrealistic judging from all the delays we have seen thus far.

they did it for Kul 'tirans so no reason they could have not done it for Nightborne. it’s not unrealistic and should have been done correctly the first time you are basically rewarding the company for making a crap unrealistic AR race off a already bad rig. 2 wrongs do not make a right.

Also NOT the players fault for the Covid they had plenty of time before that and they had plenty of time before the lawsuit hit but lets just keep saying the players have to high of expectation.

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Lol, all Void Elf players get options when new ones are added whether they want them or not and most people playing Void Elves don’t want the void aspect developed further which is why they keep requesting that Blood Elf customizations be copied from Horde to Alliance.

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Wait why are you yelling at San’layn over this?

I missed what started this…

This started this.

Because I pointed out that they have gotten exactly what they have asked for so I’m not really sure what they are complaining about.

The anger at void elf focus was brought up and spiraled from there. I didn’t get involved and shared my piece on the other thread anyway to be honest. Ended up just focusing on the other argument that sprang up involving morality.

I do support more void options for void elves though. I think I’ve shared art I saw that really emphasized what I would love to see a while back.


Generalizing every single Void Elf player is a really bad look but I suppose it’s not surprising coming from you.

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LOL! You don’t even know me because if you did you’d know I supported void options for Void Elves so do us all a favor and get out of the thread if you are just going to complain about what you have gotten when you have gotten it because no one is going to feel sorry for you.

Maybe read the entire thing that started this instead of jumping in mid debate and you’ll look less silly with this post.

I’m the one that looks silly, I’m not the one here crying about people getting what they wanted despite it not being what I wanted because again that’s you.

This started, little Blood Elf Troll, with someone complaining that Void Elves got ANYTHING AT ALL.

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Yeah I’m the troll because I called you out, get some better material Ish you are making Proudmoore Alliance look bad.

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That’s the post that even started this. Now go away.

I apologize for continuing to go off topic in your thread and really appreciate the great amount of detail you put in to it. I completely support Blood Elves getting customizations like the ones you’ve mentioned.

I did not bring up covid. They were delayed before covid. Covid may have made it worse depending on the tools/tech employees had access to at home.

The kul tiran were bodytypes that player had asked for expansions before. They also use the same animations as pandaren. The nightborne are modified night elves.

Any chance I can convince you to not respond to Naughty (and Naughty when you see this not respond to Ishikara?) and just let it go here?

This seems like an argument better had in another thread.


Does it really matter if it’s copy pasted? It’s what that community has been asking for. They got a hand me down race with hand me down customization, but it’s exactly what most on these forums were asking for.

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I think the point of contention is:
-People are very frustrated the void elves are a focus and keep getting replied to, while LFD & Nightborne need more work (LFD I don’t know, I don’t follow, nightborne I follow a bit more)
-The stuff void elves got were to make them look less voidy and like high elves. This is a point of contention with void elf players who want void elf customization. No new void-themes have been added to void elves despite them giving stuff to void elves. It’s catering to the high elf crowd.
-Other side of the debate is the simplicity of what void elves got, AKA skin colors and hair colors, ‘not very much work’ on their end, hence it being a focus, but it stirring up trouble because they seem to be a focus right now and are the only ones being replied to in that thread.
-I shared my opinion on the other thread, but I asked actively about whether they’re looking into other things. They replied to another user that they are “taking feedback as it’s given.”
-I’m unhappy with Blizzard in general and am very skeptical, but am hopeful they mean it. The stuff I’m suggesting - fangs & claws specifically - might require a lot more work. Though… claws are on DH so technically… but, that aside, fangs (well, they’re on night elves, but eh they’d need to fit them for thalassian teeth).
-Bat like ears, in this thread, would be a big one that would need artistic work on.
-Scars and tattoos for blood elves might need more artistic work.
-Same with any other races right now asking for things, I dunno

So, I get the frustration and share it. They have assured our feedback is being seen, which is why I’m more hopeful. It’s better than a flat out ‘no’.

As for void elves, I do hope they get void-centric customization as well in the future, when that will be, I don’t know, but I agree the ARs need some more stuff - all of them - and am not in the position to suggest things for them as primarily an elf player. I can only support and hope people get what they are asking for with regard to them.


This is true. Many wanted the high elf fantasy on void elves and blizzard listened. Alleria is the head void elf and still maintains that high elf look. It was lore plausible, especially with all the high elf and blood elf wayfarers. The customization I feel reflects more of Alleria, the void elves that look different had the ritual interuppted and what happened to them wasn’t supposed to happen which is why they look like that, Alleria had a better ritual and she can opt to void form.

I personally want some like void eyes , space hair (like black with stars), star eyes, ice/shadowy nails, sharp finger tips, Lovecraft inspired monstrosity customizations, and maybe some of the xenomorph type looks inspired stuff would be cool.

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