San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lightforged: People asked for Lightforged options for their existing Draenei characters, they got a new race with that wasn’t compatible for any of the existing Draenei options.

Void Elves: People asked for High Elves, instead they got something that looked nothing like high elves and can’t be the main class people wanted high elves for: Paladins.

Dark Iron Dwarves: No one asked for Dark Irons. They asked for Wild Hammer dwarves who could be Druids. Instead they got black dwarves with exactly the same class options as regular dwarves and regular dwarves got tattoos and no Druids.

Kul Tirans: Just fat humans, and can’t use the body type that the overwhelming majority of Kul Tiran NPCs use, or even the skinny model that was highly requirested.

Mechagnomes: No one asked for trash/diaper gnomes. Even the people who wanted a Gnome subrace wanted Lepper Gnomes or robot gnomes.

There isn’t a single Alliance allied race that’s actually something anyone asked for, and the only reason Void Elves are the most played allied race is because they’re the closest we’ll ever get to something that we’ve literally been asking for since classic.

Every Alliance allied race has been a direct attack on the Alliance player base, so why would this one be any different?


The exact same thing can be said about both Highmountain Tauren and Mag’har Orcs.

Are you seriously going to tell me my character looks nothing like a high elf? And if you’re only referring to pre-SL void elves, that problem’s been solved now if you hadn’t noticed.

What? The most notable high elves in the lore are rangers, followed by mages. There are only a very small number of high elf paladins. How were they the main class people wanted them for?


Because that was the main thing people wanted.

Like every high elf thread had dozens of people saying “I want to play a high elf paladin”

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Yes, but there’s context to it. That was in direct reference to having high elves as a separate AR from void elves. If they were going to be a separate AR, they might as well have had paladins since void elves can’t.

How could they say anything in reference to void elves before void elves even existed?

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So you’re saying the main reason people wanted high elves playable before void elves were announced was because they wanted high elf paladins?

I didn’t get into the forum debate on high elves until void elves were already announced, so I wouldn’t know.

If what you say is true though, that’s pretty silly.

Silly or not, that’s what was being asked for, and instead we got blue elves who with even less class options than Blood Elves and no options they didn’t already have.

:ok_hand:Perfectise Dumbassteinn​:brain: (@Nise_Loftsteinn) / Twitter

This is very nice. Only a couple things I am not personally fond of and as such is subjective.

  • The foot at the bottom looks weird IMO. Either the leg needs to be a little more visibly bulging or the direction of the foot needs to be pointing forward more. It just seems out of place no matter how I try to see the leg placement.
  • The clawed wings, though very nice, remind me too much of my design which I think doesn’t work unless a cloak is visible, which it isn’t in this piece nor in my piece (which is getting changed BTW). If they are suppose to be a physical wings then they still seem to be out of place IMO.

Overall it is a very well done piece IMO. I like the outfit design and her look. I like the colors, even on the wings. Probably one of the best, if not the best, San’layn art pieces I’ve seen so far. I would just make her face a little more gaunt if it was me. That is how I want my vampire elf to look . . . gaunt, but beautiful and youthful if possible.

I was going to do a 3/4 view of my vampire elf since I am going to start making all my art pieces into 3D models this coming month and need more then just a front view of them all. Will be starting on my vampire elf because it’s the first art piece I ever put that much time into and feel somewhat connected to now. :confounded: She is still not done and I am planning on changing a lot more.

EDIT: I just created a Deviant Art page. Need to figure somethings out before I link my page. Those things being whether or not I should post the drawing journey/process to the final rendition, if I should post unfinished works, should I post anything that I am not 100% completely satisfied in the finished product, etc…


Man, pictures you all keep posting really make me want San’layn specific options and I fear blizzard will just do eyes and skin tone…

Excellent! Can’t wait to see your work in one place!


I’d be fine with customization if we got lore to go along with it, otherwise it’d just be ‘blood elves cosplaying as vampires’, as Bagzak has pointed out. It would make no sense for San’layn to join the Horde without context right now. Even something like a Night Warrior questline would be fine.

And, of course, as long as they don’t just provide 50% of the recommended buttock to the project. They need fangs, claws, bat-like ears, and eye colors. Also, more gothic-styled hair and jewelry, because they sure as heck do not fit blood elves currently and are much more brutal (being scourge related) than the customization they pushed for elves (which I am still extremely disappointed with and use NONE of the new jewelry because I hate hate hate how it looks.)

Cool to hear about the deviantart! I have one too that I post on and track my progress.


A good example of what I don’t want to happen with San’layn, or any race in general, would be the Sand Trolls (something I’ve grumbled about multiple times). We still have no explanation of whether they’re a new tribe, one of the existing tribes that hate the Horde, or if they’re just Dark Spear Trolls that have a skin tone similar to Sand Trolls. They’re just there, suddenly being part of the Horde, and we have yet to see anything explaining it.

Customization races can work, but they should not just be slapped onto a parent race while not having their own identity or storyline presence. San’layn could work as a customization option for Blood Elves, but they would be much more likely to have more love and care as their own race slot.

I really don’t want to see San’layn plopped onto a PowerPoint slide at Blizzcon under new Blood Elf customization options and then just appear suddenly in the Horde with little to no explanation or fanfare. I feel the same way for any other race that would become a customization race, as well as feeling that Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls could use more love also.

Characters and identity are very important to a MMORPG, in my opinion. I don’t want to see races become something akin to what could’ve come from a monkey paw wish. It’s a reason I hope San’layn become their own race slot so we can get some cool storylines and events in-game for them, as well as being more likely to get some unique and fitting customization options for them.


You could infer from the Zandalari joining the horde, that other tribes that the Zandalari ruled also joined though. And it doesn’t even have to be whole clans, just anyone that wants to join the horde, joining via the Zandalari Embassies.

The San’layn sort of Already joined the horde under Slyvannas. We see in shadowlands how resurrections magic works. The blood orbs and the anima orbs that appear similar could actually be the same type of magic used in the shadowlands. The mogu had used Anima since MoP and have necromancy clans , so who knows San’layn blood orbs may be similar in function to anima. Which would make some sense as Anima is power drown from a soul that was once alive, and the more turmoil in life the more anima a soul has to offer. We have seen Anima revive constructs, we have seen souls inhabit constructed bodies. The blood orbs must have something related to anima to pull souls back into those corspes. We know recromancy forcefully puts a soul back into a body, perhaps the blood curse is a type of need for sustained anima from direct contact with blood to keep the curse going. Is the blood curse for health? Mental sanity? Or do they decay without the blood like common vampire lore? We know in past lore the lich king cursed his servants to hunger and lust for blood, but was that really the lich king’s magic or just part of the shadow magic deal? Or was that just he Jailer knowing how to dominate other souls?


I don’t know why, but it made me laugh. AHAHAHA

Not to mention that we’re going to have to listen to the horde players complaining, again, that Blizzard wants to give things belonging to the red faction theme to the Alliance.

And then people ask why the balance between the factions is getting bigger and bigger to the side of the horde, when all the alliance receives are purple-painted blood elf placebos, fat humans who don’t arouse substantial interest not important as to how much more worked they have been worked on since the model is not in the interest of the general public and a group of gnomes made of recycled metal that have failed to promote significant interests by the alliance , because they are more targets of laughing stock than of hype, as it was with vulperas.

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Happy February, y’all!

It’s getting closer to Blizzconline, which takes place on the 19th and 20th this month. I don’t believe an official start time has been announced yet, though Google seems to think it occurs at 12 AM central time for some reason (likely a placeholder). I’m sure an official announcement will be made very soon.

It’s also free to watch, but I’ll likely keep an eye out for the usual liveblogs from places like Wowhead to share on here for those wanting a quick glance at what all will be announced.

I’m really not sure what all to expect, and since it’ll be Shadowlands focused, I’m kinda more dreading it at least story-wise. Honestly, if I forget I’m in the afterlife, I do enjoy playing the game and doing daily tasks. Still, I’m more eager to start new adventures back on Azeroth than anything.

Hoping for some good news, regardless. :bat:


With its champions all in the Shadowlands, Azeroth will suffer greatly against the Scourge, whose armies are without number. For every fallen soldier, two more become Scourge; those that are risen and the friend/family members who cannot bear to raise arms against their loved ones. Death on Azeroth is an endless cycle and thus the cycle of undeath is also endless.

Without the Lich King, a necessary evil, to control and keep them in check this battle could go on without end. I think what Blizzard is trying to establish is that we really do need a Lich King entity, but one that is free of the Jailer’s corruption. This is why I believe we reforge the helm, recreating it without the Jailer’s taint.

An ideal patch for me would have us return to Azeroth to aid the faltering forces of the Argent Dawn against the swelling ranks of the Scourge. The situation becomes grimmer by the minute and defeat for Azeroth forces becomes almost certain. We, the champions, assist against the Scourge diverting apocalypse for another day.

My dream addition to this would be that we recruit a coven of rebellious Darkfallen/Undead Elves who have been hiding out under Deathholme or in Northrend in an abandoned underground kingdom (Nerubian). They offer their help against the Scourge in return for a safehaven and protection.


On WoWHead, it says that Blizzconline will start at 2pm Pacific Time.


Yep, it looks like Wowhead made an article about the event now with some more information:

"Day 1 will kick off at 2 p.m. PST on Friday, February 19, with an opening segment that includes a first look at some of the latest game content the development teams have been working on. Then for the next three-plus hours, you’ll have the option to tune in to one of the six different themed channels, so you can decide whether you want to sample a little bit of everything or dig deeper into the games you’re interested in most.

Day 2 will pick back up at 12 p.m. PST on Saturday, February 20, with multiple channels once again, until the fun wraps up at later that afternoon. Throughout this second day, we’ll be shining a spotlight on the global Blizzard community, including the winners and outstanding entries in the Community Showcase contests and exhibitions."

And we have a trailer for the event too:

Hopefully we’ll get some good news there. :bat:


Yeah, it looks like a hot topic right now is what’s going to be said at Blizzconline. So here’s my ideas:
Realistic predictions

  1. More customizations, most likely geared toward allied races now. There’s many lacking customizations for core races, so perhaps they’ll also apply suggestions to them. But characters like Nightborne are in desperate need of customization, and void elves (in my personal opinion) should get some voidy-stuff.
  2. Continued story campaign. Maybe not a new zone, not sure, as the x.2 patches seem to be the new zones, or x.3, lately. Who knows though!
  3. Relating to (2), of interest to me specifically, Kael’s fate and his story continued.
  4. More mounts and pets, naturally
  5. The tree model and when we’ll get it, as they said we’d get it in Q1 from what I believe.
  6. Legion Timewalking (please give us a Nightmare Drake blizzard x.x)
  7. Warlords of Draenor “Raiding with the Leashes”. Don’t think I didn’t forget about that!
  8. 450 & 500 mount achievement and reward, and perhaps pet collections too. (I’d LOVE a pet level-up reward, like something for max-leveling a certain number of level 25s)
  9. Flying & how to get it
  10. More Torghast content, perhaps more cosmetic rewards.

My personal wishlist: (unrealistic expectations I want to share anyway, because you never know)

  1. Returning to Azeroth and fighting the scourge plots/quests, and rewards relating to that.
  2. Relating to (1), San’layn allied race or night-warrior cosmetic options for blood elves. Pretty simple, pretty straightforward.
  3. More allied race news in general. This is probably very unrealistic, but hey, would be nice to see them listening to the communities that have been politely sharing our ideas for a while, like Sethrak, Ogre, San’layn, Saurok, & others.
  4. More customization options for core races, specifically blood elves. AGAIN this is my personal list, so yes, I know we have elf-haters lurking on the forums, but I main elves. So this is what I want. I’d like more hair styles, and if they’re going to focus so much on jewelry, at least give us variety, like chokers, facial piercings, and stuff offered to humans. Tattoos would also be amazing.
  5. A quest line for Dark Rangers that would be like night warrior but for blood elves, to unlock that customization & get some lore.
  6. Drake remodels. Please Blizzard x.x
  7. More Torghast cosmetics. Yes I know, tons don’t like it, but I personally enjoy the content. There’s just… no point in doing it, at all, once you earn everything. I already have Floor 8 cleared. Now what? They added in a BUNCH of throwaway recolors of transmog & mounts & pets to Island Expeditions. I wish they’d do the same to Torghast, because that’s content I’d actually farm and would enjoy doing it. There’s still a ton of recolors they don’t use in the game, so why not entice players with that? It doesn’t even have to be anything fancy. And if they want people to do more Twisting corridors, perhaps a cache at the end with rewards like gold, with a chance for mounts and pets, would be nice. Or, hey, anima! And a decent amount of stuff for it, too. I just wish Torghast was more rewarding :confused: I’m a cosmetic collector and it’d be cool to have it contain earnable recolors that haven’t been added but that people might like. Like the Blue Storm Drake, for example, and more.

Edit: Here’s an example of stuff they could randomly add as rewards:


It’s going to be renown based but they haven’t said what level or if there will be more renown levels next patch.

I hope it’s account wide, one way or another. I hated the timegating on pathfinder but I didn’t mind the grind since it gave me account wide flying rather than having to buy it on every character.

I’d say I’m hoping for Mag’har to get the missing Shattered Hand skin, but given that Blizzard has a fetish for not giving orcs their clan skins tones I’m doubtful.

Also, there’s no female version of the skin, which to me makes it seem less likely, despite making a female version not being very difficult and having a good pay off for orc fans (and non-orc fans, that skin color looks really cool).

There’s two or three open flight pathes in Oribos, I’m wondering where they’ll lead to.

There’s a few ideas I have, but I hope we get something shaman related, Ardenweald was a great opportunity but they made it a druid zone and retconned lore in the process when they had a great chance to make a shaman one where they’d be able to not retcon any old lore and give shamans something in the line of life after death.

The Primis doesn’t appear in the Maldraxxus campaign and it left things feeling abruptly ended when I did it.

I really hope we’ll get more campaign story and eventually find the Primis.

I’m wondering how many triggered female night elf posts there’s going to be when Horde get to use the mount, they didn’t like it back when it was announced and I want to see how they’ll like it in context.

Can we finally update all of the core race rep mounts?

Alliance has almost all of theirs updated (IIRC rams haven’t been yet, and rams are the coolest Alliance racial mount because dwarves) but on Horde all we’ve gotten is updated hawkstriders and non-armored kodos.

Orc not finished until give MU Blackrock and Dragonmaw

I want Sunfury skins for blood elves and fel orc skins for orcs.

Both are already part of the Horde.

My only request is class locking shaman/paladin/priest.

Bonus points on fel orcs if they get the WoD skin tones and full body spikes as the NPCs have.

I also want class customization but that’s not happening anytime soon.