San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That would’ve been cool. Hopefully they add them in Shadowlands. The more customizations the better imo.

I don’t like most Alliance races but I do like the Draenei, Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes.


This one’s got some class! Good man!

San’layn for the Horde! :bat:



Y’know on the topic of music, I do want to share some of the covers I enjoy quite a bit. Still psyched about the “Spin me right round” cover, gods I love it so much.

Some song covers

As you can see, I love Halocene.

Some more song covers
(this is 100% my San’layn bard’s song. Also I LOVE his Disney covers so much)
(this is also one of the best things to ever exist)

Now you might be wondering. How is the relevant?

Simple. We need San’layn, and we need bards. Plus… songs inspire characters. That’s how most of mine have been made.

Edit: aw, “hide details” makes it so that the video doesn’t show. Ah well. Still hiding it so it’s not a gigantic video taking up the entire screen.

I actually wrote out an entire blog post on my headcanon and idea for vampyr lore in WoW.

This turned into a full out research project. I’m exhausted. But I did it. Why am I like this :stuck_out_tongue:




2 years later and this will still be my response.


I also enjoy “Spin me right round” by Dope but I grew up on that stuff and like other songs by them like “Everything Sucks” and “Debonaire”.

The “Down with the sickness” cover isn’t bad but I personally can’t see anyone topping the original just cause of his voice but she wasn’t bad.

The same can be said for the Korn song, since that’s another group I grew up on and his voice is very distinct. Use to love a lot of their songs. “A.D.I.D.A.S.”, “Coming Undone”, “Freak on a Leash”, “Falling Away from Me”, and “Got the Life”. Too many songs I like by them really. Too many to name. I did buy a 7 string guitar to play their songs but it was rather uncomfortable so was $1k wasted. :frowning:

And I love 3 Days Grace so again can’t see another singer topping them plus I love that song but these are all subjective and my personal opinion. “I Hate Everything About You”, “Never Too Late”, “Pain”, “Animal I Have Become”, “Just Like You” and “Riot”. Another group that has too many songs I like to name. :laughing:

And the Billie Eilish songs I like are “Bury a friend”, “All the good girls go to h@#$” and “Bad Guy” so not familiar with that cover. Don’t know that Disney cover either but that Pokemon song rocks, lol. Would so play a metal Pokemon game and not talking the element metal. :wink:

Thanks for the shares.

Off of covers, a group I like but hasn’t done anything for a long time until recently was System of a Down. “Sugar” is my favorite song by them. “B.Y.O.B.” is rather catchy, " Aerials/Arto" is good, and “Psycho” and “Boom!” aren’t bad. Their just a weird group imo.

It will always be a thing imo. I came in here the same way and I know others feel far more strongly about “no more elves” then I do. Just brush it off and move on.

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Vampirisim in WoW isn’t transferable, it’s a specific type of way you raise something as undead. You don’t “catch” it from another vampire, unless that vampire is also a necromancer who decided to raise you as a vampire.


Every one of the Alliance’s allied races so far have been either something no one asked for or a monkey’s paw twist to deny them something they did ask for.

Not one Alliance allied race is what we actually wanted.

The next alliance allied race needs to be something like Eredar or Sethrak. Something people actually want and are vocally asking for.

The last thing we need is “oh walrus guys are acceptable I guess.”

If there isn’t a small army asking for it then we don’t need it. Hell, I’d take no allied race at all over another race made to insult the Alliance and it’s players.

Orc Bard update:


The original idea was to have rings emanating off of him and explosions where the rings touched enemies but somehow ended up having music spiral instead. Need to put notes in the spiral and clean up the lines.

And I just did a quick test on his hair and like the texture but black, my favorite color, appears to be too dark so it will probably end up brown.

Only other things I might do are clean up the guitar lines and mess with his face. I am not wild about his right hand but I am not going to change it. And finally will have to choose a background whether it be enemies getting hit up in the air by the music or just some design I do not know at this point.

:+1: Playable vampires :bat::drop_of_blood:

EDIT: Probably my last post till next week. I checked my sub status on my account page and it said the 31st so hoping that is correct. I’m taking a break from the forums and gonna try to finish my Orc Bard, Vampire Elf and start my Goblin engineer before my sub is up.

I will also only be posting finished projects from now on. I might post the journey of pics. I take along the way to show how I got there but it will all be in one post instead of every time I update a pic… This will allow the San’layn forum to more closely stick to San’layn stuff and not get cluttered with my art updates.

I appreciate all of you. Stay true. :wine_glass::bat::drop_of_blood:



This is actually incorrect! It’s transferrable in 2 ways, as seen in lore:

“Back to the San’layn. We know the vampyr curse is both ancient and afflicted the Vrykul as well. We know from Legion that humans can be afflicted by the curse, and it’s the same curse as that upon the San’layn. But here’s something interesting. The vampyr curse can be translated via either bite (literally says you’re a vampire in the achievement) or cursed mist. These humans are most definitely vampyr. After all… look at their typing. The mist turned them undead!”

Those have sources linked in the paragraph, and it’s from the article I wrote and shared a bit ago. The vampyr curse is very much an ancient curse, as seen in lore, not just some state of undead. In the case of the “Cursed bite”, Lana’thel literally bites you to transfer the curse and turn you. The cursed mist we only have a little bit of lore on, but we know it turned the human pirates into vampires–their creature type is literally “undead”.

As for the Allied Race for the Alliance debacle, I still think Sethrak would be a super neat pairing to San’layn. They are a desert race and would give the Alliance coverage in that area–then, the San’layn live in the tundra. They’re two highly requested allied races and while that alone won’t give them a shoe-in, they are both very unique and have a lot to offer in terms of additional lore.


Applied the fixes :slight_smile: And colored! I also am going to teach myself how to vary line thickness. This is my first attempt at it.

Aliceri is my discipline priest, of course. Not a vampyr, but elf, so relevant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I actually ended up redrawing the lines in this! Came out way better when I did.

Edit 2:
First try at my kitsune OC’s fox form since learning to use references.

His name is “Patch”.


Nah. I think Blood Elves should have San’layn and Dark Rangers. I mean after all it is fair for the Horde to have something in return after half feature High Elves on Void Elves.

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Well now. That’s just awfully silly.

None of the offerings thus far have been intended to be insults. if they missed the mark, that’s one thing. But it’s a far cry from being able to use this to support the argument that we’d actively be better off getting nothing from this point forward.


We have actual diaper gnomes, who come from trash island.

People did ask for mechagnomes though. We got cyber punk gnomes though and they got renamed mechagnomes. I do find them good for the cyborg fantasy, they just need full mechanized customization like the mechagnomes people wanted.


So as we all know, the undead should be causing chaos all around Azeroth, and one of the places that could likely get hit hard is Silvermoon. Now, nothing has really been shown of what is going on around Silvermoon, and barely anything is shown of what is going on around the world (of Warcraft!) in general, but I thought it was worth mentioning it again since it is a good opportunity to reintroduce San’layn and earn them some brownie points to go towards Horde membership (with or without Kael’thas).

I figured if undead are rising, it’s possible that this guy (who you might remember from the end of the Ghostlands questline) could come back:'Khan_Drathir

Of course, like with Kael’thas, his head was severed at the end of the questline and given to Lorthemar. Who knows where it is, if it is still intact, and where the body is (assuming it isn’t running around headless somewhere).

I did note this from that wowpedia page:

"How did he return?

Dar’Khan’s appearance in World of Warcraft remains something of a mystery. Though he was apparently vaporized by Anveena at the conclusion of the Sunwell Trilogy, and killed again by Lor’themar in Blood of the Highborne, he has returned yet again to command the Scourge forces in Quel’Thalas with no explanation as to the method of his revival.

Similarly, in the Sunwell Trilogy, Dar’Khan experienced a variety of bodily injuries including a severed finger and being completely consumed by flames, however, he simply regenerates his wounds or reappears later, seemingly unharmed, offering little explanation beyond stating that he is, “more than mortal,” and “not quite” dead. A detailed summary appearing online prior to the book’s release described Dar’Khan as more lich than mortal, indicated that like liches, his physical form might be capable of regeneration so long as his soul remains grounded in the physical world.

A theory put forward after Blood of the Highborne may explain Dar’Khan’s lich-like powers. After binding the Sunwell, Dar’Khan could not help but taste and gorge upon its energies directly, against Arthas’ orders. When Arthas hurled Kel’Thuzad’s remains into the well, its energies became dark and tainted, raising the former necromancer as a lich. However, Dar’Khan was also affected by this ritual, having directly consumed some of the Sunwell shortly beforehand – Arthas informed him that the well was now contaminated, and having tasted it after its binding, so too was Dar’Khan, who could feel an alteration in the very “depths of his being.” It may be that Dar’Khan was also imbued with similar lich-like properties to Kel’Thuzad after “surviving” this experience."

He has died multiple times and come back, so it’s always possible he could rise again, whether it is in zombie form or spirit/lich form (assuming that is possible with the undead rising).

I figured I’d mention him again, since with all the undead likely in the Ghostlands again, there could be a “big bad” leading them against Silvermoon of some kind.

I’ve previously presented the idea of San’layn appearing to assist Silvermoon, who would be in a dire situation and would be more likely to get help and listen to their former kin looking to reconnect and join the Horde. It would make for a fun event to defend Silvermoon and fight into the Ghostlands, where we go back to Deatholme and have an epic fight there with a big bad of some kind.

I’ve also mentioned San’layn taking up residence in Deatholme after the fact to help protect Silvermoon, either from futher undead or in case Dar’Khan appears again, or Alliance spys given the continent’s location. Entrance to the Ghostlands would be monitored and the area patrolled regularly by San’layn in bat form. Deatholme would make a great allied race base for new San’layn characters to start also.

Anyway, I don’t know how feasible Dar’khan returning is, but given we’re in the middle of Shadowlands, it’s something worth mentioning in case inspiration occurs. It’d be a fun way to introduce Horde San’layn as a playable race and also Dark Rangers as a customization option for Blood Elves.

I suppose if Kael’thas were to come back as a San’layn, it would be fun to see him lead the Darkfallen in saving Silvermoon. And even if it isn’t him, Blood Royalty of some sort would work just fine.

It’s unclear if we’ll see much else going on Azeroth while we’re in the Shadowlands, but it’s still a fun idea to mention again and think on.

Regardless of what happens, I’ll still keep hope for playable Horde San’layn. :bat:


this forum should have a way to see all images of a topic…i love san’layn art


Best I can do is post my own attempts. The pic on the left is the first, somewhat complete version with basic color, basic highlights and basic shadows. I actually altered it at least 5 - 6 times before and I believe those versions are somewhere in this thread. The right pic is an updated sketch without color, highlights or shadows.


Fallynn has posted more vampire San’layn art though so might be able to type her name in and go through her posts but not sure if that will help or make it worse.