San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Per day at least! I think… my initial thread has 45 edits and is still outdated. You also can’t edit a post after it’s been up for a year… and so, San’layn megathread will forever remain outdated. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Wait a second…



I did a bit of mixing with the options that are on the Dressing Room, on wowhead. They were datamined too, the face and skin color are already options for playable Night Elves, and the 11th eye color, sure can pass for red eyes, at a quick glance, and then add in the black hair color, and it looks a lot like an Undead Night Elf. I bet you didn’t mess around with those like I did, which is how I found it out for myself. Give it a try, you’ll see what I mean.

Ok so… I selected “Edit” on my post just for funsies and had the option, AND could submit it as edited, so apparently you can? Can I seriously rework the first post now? :o After so long?! I am totally gonna try

Edit: Gods it’s been so long I don’t even know where to start


You know for reading 20k posts you don’t even have to read them I think, you just open a thread with 20k replies and click the date of the last post on the side. I think

Those are both of the undead night elf skin tones on the Wowhead beta model viewer. Both are tagged as NPC only. Of the datamined skins, none are undead night elf skins. Combine that with a dev stating that undead night elves are not returning to the Alliance.

Maybe there are some similar skins and eye colors that could pass if you tried. But the actual undead skins themselves are still tagged as NPC only.

Cya in a few hours lol. I’ve spent probably ~4 hours initially writing and then editing my orc post.


Th is why I called it a THEME! Theme don’t have to be EXACT MATCHES…Please take your stupidity elsewhere!

Interesting development if we can still edit posts one year after their creation, especially since my megathread just had its one-year anniversary. Maybe it’s something that got changed when forums got an update.

Welp, I feel the need to celebrate with some celebration music:

Hope shall never die! Viva la megathreads! \ ^ o ^ /

Dude! I NEVER said they were exact matches…which is why one of my earlier posts, I said they were THEMES! Themes can be “look-alikes”, but NOT exactly the same.

You did.

But when talking something like this, considering the assets already exist, it’s quite reasonable to assume exact matches is what you meant. Your wording could use some work. And without doing this:

It’s even more reasonable to assume so. You could link the dressing room assets you think could pass for a theme or link a screenshot of them, that would’ve helped quite a bit.

You just made two posts saying the same thing.

I wish I could post links on the forums. I’ve tried before, and it wouldn’t let me. Seems it has to do with “Trust Levels”, and I have none, so it’s next to impossible, for me to post a link here. I clicked the bottom-most link, at the time, which had a collection of the Male/Female Night Elf/Draenei options. I clicked Female Night Elf, and then those numbers I posted were the options I had set for it, and you tell me, as a player character, it doesn’t look similar to the real deal.

It is trust levels, and it’s a stupid system.

Put four spaces on an empty line and then post the link.

Like this.

I haven’t looked yet, and even if I did, looks are often subjective.

And since you’re new:

This will get you flagged pretty fast anywhere else.

I’m not new, I actually am a regular on this thread, or was, as an old character of mine, Jaheira, who used to be a Worgen Druid, level 120, on Eonar.

Well then you should know not to do this:

What you said on the left and an actual undead skin on the right.

I do see what you mean, but that doesn’t look very undead to me personally, especially when compared to the actual undead skins. Looks like pale Tyrande.

Right, but did I say, anywhere in my posts, that they were exact matches? I said “theme” specifically, which implies that it’s based off of so-said topics, and I put emphasis on on the word “theme”.

Can we agree to disagree?

P.S. Sorry for calling you “stupid” here on the forums. My feathers were already ruffled. It’s not an excuse, just letting you know I was already wound-up. I could’ve thought of more polite terminology, but I wasn’t thinking straight. Whoopsies!

I see an exclamation point, not italics or boldness, which would help a lot.

Nowhere. But, as is evidenced by myself, your wording was easily confused.


Maybe it seemed that way to you. But when reading your post it’s very easy to confuse that, especially considering the undead assets already exist. I’m evidence of that.

Yeah, that’s most productive since we’ll be arguing for days if we don’t.

Well in that case, it’s fine.

Hello friends, I just wanted to say hello and offer my support for the San’layn to one day be playable.

puts down a tray of dumplings and a keg of Ale

Enjoy this gift.


takes some dumplings, but passes the Ale

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The black eyes is suppose to be the Night warrior being Eyes color instead of skin now

Those weren’t black eyes, and as a Night Warrior skin, it’s Midnight Blue eyes, if you scroll in carefully and look hard enough. I was talking about a different eye color, the 11th option in the wowhead Dressing Room, which are the blind version of the golden eyes, but can easily be confused for red eyes, at a quick glance.

I know they dont look the same. But thats what people told me. Will see if its true. cause to me it would be more logic to turn Night Warrior into eyes color than a skin tone