San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I tend to think of lot of the people asking for that are the same where are asking for burned night elf skins.


I’m not against them but the Horde deserves their undead elves first.


Some of them apparently chose to come back as Dark Rangers and entirely betray their people, but now it’s fine because Calia (of whom I also highly dislike) is apparently bringing them back to the Alliance. :woman_shrugging:

I wouldn’t mind if both factions got these undead elves (undead night elves/Blood Elves) but for Alliance to get them exclusively (which we don’t know yet, I’m just saying IF it happens)… yeah no I’m done


I hope it’s more like, rather than an “instead”, it would be “in addition to”. So far, Night Elves got the treatment first. I hope Blood Elves get their options soon.

I’ve seen other threads, with players discussing about wanting San’layn, but I’m surprised they’ve never discussed it in this thread at all. I would have to do a lot of gold-digging to find these comments from other players on other threads. You’re not alone, Fallynn, for I stand with you! Always and forever!


Thy should add them as Neutral Race where u choose to create Either Night Elf or Blood Elf looking Death Elf. Where u either been compelled by Calia Argument and u go Alliance or you aint convinced and u stay Horde


Thanks :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah the more the merrier and share the love, all that. Like I said–I’d be fine if BOTH got it, no skin off of my back and good roleplay potential too. Like if Horde got Dark Ranger Thalassian elves and Alliance Dark Ranger Kal’dorei.

Then, Horde could get San’layn and Alliance vampyr humans, which I think would be also really neat and could explore that vampyr curse more too (if they actually added lore anyway on that end).

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind that, if you want my opinion. I love the idea of neutral races and being able to choose. People were talking about that, actually, where ‘undead elf’ would be a neutral race and would be a mix of Dark Ranger and San’layn customization. They could toss night elves in that too, the only problem I see is: We’ve never seen two different kinda under one AR banner of skeletons, I guess, but then people bring up hunched/unhunched orcs so there’s that to consider too. Plus we don’t know how they might change or add to ARs in the future!


Well the closer to that is the Worgen. They get to customized their Human form. I would see it similar to that. U choose sexe first then u get an Icon of Night Elf or Blood Elf. The one up front would be the one u choose to role as


Oh yeah, that’s a very good point with the worgen, you’re right. Hmm… yeah now I do wonder if they’ll utilize that idea for some future races.


Picking a core race then picking a subrace is how this entire allied race thing should have gone tbh.

Select Dwarf > Select Bronzebeard/Wildhammer/Darkiron Dwarf > Get racials/voice/customization options.

Would have been so much better in the long term.


The 11th eye color is the blind golden eye option. The skin color is a different shade than the ones used for undead night elves. Everything else is standard non undead options.

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Yeah I agree, like if they reworked things like this it would make sense. The issue lies with the racials, but I’m gonna now say something controversial. Ready? :stuck_out_tongue:

If they reworked racials as a cosmetic thing only… I wouldn’t mind


That’s a problem I’ve noticed from the last several expansions. The game design choices never seem to be thought of in terms of being forward-thinking and often will just be abandoned, causing a number of issues with gameplay.

I’m going to guess the whole allied race thing was meant as a marketing thing and to get people to play more…and I will admit, it got me to play and care more. However, it has muddied the waters some in terms of other races like Wildhammer, and will likely cause some issues and fan kerfuffle later on.

Still, plenty of room on the new character creation screen still gives me hope we’ll see it get filled up with more races overtime. :bat:


I think Racial should be from a pool. If u have 3 type of Dwarf u can choose 1 active out of 3 and 3 passive out of 9. So it would allow people to play the way they want to. I made my Pally Dreanei only for the Healing Racial even tough I wanted her to be LF


Yeah true that. And I was blatantly against reworking Allied Races until I realized how they’re doing customization now, so merging them into like sub-races if they look that way make more sense, and then non-allied-races like Ogres/Saurok/Sethrak/Broken and other things people want would end up being their own (though Broken could be subrace of Draenei).

Yeah I think this would be a very reasonable solution for sure, I like this idea a lot. Hopefully Blizzard considers this.


I would be a great game designer wouldnt I :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Instead they are doing two extremes and aren’t trying to think long term.


I agree wholeheartedly!


Well, I knew that, but if you were to look at it from a glance, at a distance, you’d confuse it for an Undead Night Elf, that’s why it’s a called a “theme”, which means with those skins combined, they would look EXACTLY like Undead Night Elves.

The NPCs have those options but a dev stated on Twitter those will not be night elf options.

I know someone’s going to bring up high elves to counter this. But the difference is is that these undead night elves are completely new and not a concept that’s existed since WC2, nor do they have even near the support/demand high elves have had for all these years.


Well they can decide to merge the existing races if they want. I would like to merge highmountain and thunderbluff tauren for example. And pick the voicelines you want.

Same for lightforged dranei and dranei.

maghar orc/and orc

Dark iron with dwarves and add stuff like frost dwarves. sand dwarves.

Blood elves could get stuff like felblood sanlayn, undead, lightforged (more holy), arcane focused-stuff like high elf and blood elf mana fantasies and tattoos. Maybe jewlery like the people of Atlantis is disney’s Atlantis the lost empire.

Nightborne getting Nightborne/ nightfallen/ felsworn/ undead elf/ possibly night elf looks would be cool (as there close alliance with some night elves in Legion like the moonguard and the valewalker could welcome native Broken isles elves to there ranks).

I do wonder if blizzard plans to add options to change how your race identifies with a mouseover. Like I mouseover myself and see 120 Zandalari horde Shaman.

But if I was a Darkspear troll and liked the new Sandfury skins it would be cool to identify as Sandfury Troll.


As of yet night elves have gotten the same treatment as blood elves. They have NPC only options that are not set to become playable yet.

^ This.

I would’ve edited this in to my first statement but I found out there’s a maximum number of edits like there is likes because I went absolutely bananas editing my orc thread.