San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I noticed Wowhead posted an article about Kael’thas, though I didn’t see any new information. I’ll still link the article:

Still worth keeping an eye on him to see what he’ll be up to. You never know what it’ll lead to. :bat:


Personally, I would prefer to keep the bloodqueen heirarchy.

It would be a bit wierd to see Kaelthas transition from belf, to demon to vampire.

His status as a “demon” is dubious at best. The closest thing we could call him is a wretched, and I don’t think wretched classify as demons. If he were a true demon his soul would have been preserved after his death and he would have never been sent to the Shadowlands to begin with.

Wretcheds became that because they were starved of mana.
I dont think you can call Kaelthas a wretched, but he wasnt a true demon, I agree with that.
I’m just saying it’s wierd to see him go through all these different transitions. Its almost like a bad fanfic. Hopefully, the story will be alot better than it looks.

You’re thinking of the withered, the nightborne version. Withered are the result of starvation. Wretched, the blood elf version, are the result of overindulgence.

Kael’thas’s appearance in Magister’s Terrace was meant to resemble the wretched you see walking around in Eversong, although he’s not quite there yet as he still has all his mental faculties.

That’s withered.

Wretched come from overdosing on arcane.

Now that we’re on the topic, I’m thinking of some characters that we haven’t seen much of. Tha’lena is so neat, sadly she was just dungeon trash… but I’d love to see her become something more, you know? She just had Lana’thel’s model, granted, and I wish she got a unique one. But she was said to be Lana’thel’s daughter. We don’t know how. By blood? Because Lana turned her? I know she just seems like some sort of joke or callback character, but still… just in case she isn’t, I’d love to see more of her story.

This is the same for Lucard. We got some nasty warnings that he might not in fact be completely gone. Mrrgleton said so during the quest. I’d love to have more of his character expanded too. Maybe he has some powerful followers? An heir? Hmm…


I really think that both Lana’thel and Tha’lena could be resurrected in some way or another. The quote from Lana’thel always sticks with me, “we are the lich kings immortal soldiers.” And we see the 3 princes resurrected right in front of us. So I could see both or just Lana’thel being brought back. It would even be more touching if Kael’thas did it, as I would kinda say he’s responsible for how she ended up.


Hopefully. Not to mention Mrrgleton asked if they even could die. He wasn’t sure. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future, and if they address that.


I need to see Kael’thas and Lana’thel interaction happen. It must! I loved the sword questline in wrath, what a tragic character.


San’layn, please! Oneself can only dream!


In light of a thread popping up I don’t want to give the time of day to or attention because more than likely it’s someone using an alt that won’t leave us alone to once again spam anti-threads, I wanted to bring attention once more to a post I wrote a while ago.

It utterly baffles my mind that people think INTELLIGENT UNDEAD are mindless killers with no free will, but here we are. I can’t believe I still have to constantly make this argument when we have playable Forsaken, Demon Hunters, and Death Knights.

I know people want to subscribe to the notion that every individual of one race needs to be the EXACTLY the same as everyone else in it, but perhaps some need to actually grow some creativity and think outside the box. Like, hmm… with Death Knights, Demon Hunters, aaaand forsaken. :slight_smile: :bat:


To be fair if Death Knights don’t regularly inflict horrific pain on others they go troppo and start murdering anything with a pulse.

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Indeed, however they can direct it to evil entities that we need to destroy and fight for their allies. The antihero aspect, something I enjoy myself. Since it’s World of Warcraft, there will never be peace. “We do what the living cannot”. Granted, living classes also kill on the regular…all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nothing new to add here, nor have I read anything past the initial post, just here to give my support.


I dunno man, the whole need to inflict agony aspect of it has always pushed DKs more towards villain protagonist territory than antihero imo. It’s all very warcrime-y.

I’ll agree to disagree with you there, to be honest. In my opinion, some entities need to be killed/even tortured, but I have a more brutal mindset than most anyway, very vengeful and such like that. (No, I don’t like Sylvanas, in fact I hate her.)

I guess that’s a matter of both perspective and morality, though.

Also, regardless of what you think of them, all three are playable.


This makes me so sad :frowning:

I stand with her most loyal!

I do wish her deal with San’layn in BFA seen on Alliance had… translated to something like an AR on Horde though.


I agree wholeheartedly, it’s too bad it never led to anything. Still bothers me to this day that the San’layn NPC’s chilling on that boat are 100% friendly to Horde, and you can go see them on Hordeside too. Ah well.

And yeah :stuck_out_tongue: I liked her prior to Battle for Azeroth, but I’m not a fan of what they did with her story, starting with the burning of Teldrassil. I was sincerely hoping she knew something not many else did (ex: The tree is corrupted, as are its residents, slowly breaking under the void or something due to N’zoth) but it just turned into (in my opinion) mass slaughter with no valid reason. (Again, my opinion on it.


Sylvanas Menethil?

This entire tree must be purged.

Would’ve been way cooler but nope.