San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

We’re dropping the conversation now entirely on communities and impact, and moving on. In the end it doesn’t matter at all regardless, Blizzard is looking at ideas and ideas alone, not fanbases. We don’t matter to them. What we propose ideawise does. I do not want more arguments to spawn on my thread. I’m making myself clear here.

This is the major thing I’m annoyed about. No word at all, but that’s likely attributed to Zandalari having been announced and then held off for so long. We don’t even know if we’ll ever get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for those of which we want. I’d love to conclude hoping for this stuff if they’re never actually planning on expanding the lore. With no word since 8.0 on lore for this particular idea, who knows.

As mentioned, Mah’gar though and Dark Iron Dwarves were asked for a while before finally being added, and aren’t the most relevant unless we go back and help them (which could be interesting, especially in the case of MG). They were nice new additions that people enjoyed getting. Maybe some of these will end up just that, though I would hope some lore expansion would occur at least.

I know you’re kidding, but still, I figured I’d chime in and say that’d be impossible since elves were always biological/magical mutants in nature, hehehe :stuck_out_tongue:


I do not want more arguments to spawn on my thread. I’m making myself clear here.

You started the argument and you started the aggression and tried to cover it up like you were preventing some kind of hostility. Everybody talking was discussing peacefully until you inserted yourself. Don’t try to act like the good guy here. Next time think about what you are saying before you get so hostile.

It all depends on how it’s done.
I take that to mean during character selection you’d choose your race then the next screen you’d choose the subrace.
choose dwarf, then
bronzebeard - dark iron - wild hammer - whatever
then based on choice, the next screen would give your class options.

Could even grey stuff out if it requires unlocking. It’d certainly be a better setup now and much easier to expand. It’d look a lot nicer as well.

but yeah…it’s likely fake.

Especially if they fix the bits where you’re not addressed properly…like Kul tiran npcs calling a Kul tiran land dweller and such.

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If the average joe puts no effort into contributing to ideas like people here, tough luck. People go out of their way to give Blizzard their ideas and feedback on the forums, as they’ve explicitly said to in regards to allied races. I have no sympathy for people that therefore don’t make any efforts to do that. This right here implies that because the “Average joe” doesn’t do so, these ideas shouldn’t be as considered, because their ‘feelings might get hurt’. Hence my response right here.

Wrong about being ‘peaceful’. You started it here in this statement, and prior to this as well:

Not one person said anything like this at all in the thread, yet you’re bringing it up out of the blue. This is a statement that’s pointless yet said anyway which inevitably leads to Arguments.

Stop it.

You come into various threads and constantly start arguments with little quips like that. Enough. Drop it now, I am not in the mood for the argument to escalate further, and don’t you act like you’re innocent in this by any means, or anywhere else. I saw what you were trying to do, it was obvious. You do it in other threads as well, and I want it far away from mine. So, enough.

Twice now have I tried to drop it, and you could have moved on. Instead, you continued, and even decided to insult me in the process.

As long as it doesn’t rip away the lore, unique jokes/dances, or anything else, that’d be fine. Also that they’d continue to start at level 20. I really like how that works for the ARs.

Of course, that’s why I see it done that way rather than say choose dwarf and then just having customization options. You’d lose the racials and such, where if you chose the subrace afterwards, that’s where they could list the racials and differences between the different types like what level they start out or if greyed out it could list what is required to unlock it.

I’d even like to see something like the Mag’har further divided and given more visual customization options, so maybe on the subrace screen it’d have the regular orcs and then divide up the Mag’har by clan and expand customizations based on clan. Probably unlikely, but would be nice.

I doubt they’ll keep starting at 20 if any of the level squish reports are to be true. But they wouldn’t start at 1 unless they plan to go make actual starting zones for them which takes away from the ease of making AR.

They’ll probably start at level 10 if everything is being halved.

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So I didn’t get much work done on the feral male San’layn head model I was working on this week. I do have pics of how it is taking shape though. I numbered them so you can see how it started to where I am at now. My sub is up today so I will have more time to work on it in the coming weeks. Will post an updated pic whenever I resub.

These pics are not the final product. I was originally going to give him a bat nose, which is what you see in the pics, but now decided to try a scrunch up nose like orcs have. The ears have just barely been shaped. I am trying to make the ears come off the nose but might change it if It doesn’t pan out. No mouth started though you see placeholder lips in some pics. No eyes yet. Haven’t even shaped the eye area yet. The head is just a basic shape I reshape as I go and still needs shaping. And you’ll see a chin placeholder in some pics but it got deleted.

Any and all criticism is welcome. It is a work in progress and, like my music, will take shape from mess-ups that turn out to be something I like.


Speaking of the Mag’har Orcs and the Dark Iron Dwarves, it’s neat to see races that were once enemies, the Mag’har being formerly part of the Iron Horde as well as their offspring having joined, having been given some writing and backstory that makes them fit on their respective factions. Even Zandalari use to be enemies, and now they’re playable on the Horde.

I feel like for any race that Blizzard considers adding, they’ll write whatever is needed to make them playable, which opens up a lot of possibilities for races that may not have made it as core races. I honestly would be curious to see their planning process for allied races, since they did state that they considered any race with two legs for allied race status.

As for the radio silence, the only thing I can think of, aside from tying in the next few pairs of allied races to expansion preorders to maximize hype/profit, is that they’re waiting for plot points to occur in the story to then put in the unlock scenarios…not the best of explanations, I realize, but it’s the only thing I can think of.

In terms of the Horde, we know the Vulpera are wanting to pledge support to their Zandalari allies after their king was slain, the Kelfin have just had their introduction and we’ve taken down Azshara, and the San’layn can be added back into the story at any point in time. I’m sure other potential allied races could appear in the near future, but I think we’re at the point in the story where adding in more allied races, whatever they are, would make sense and is viable. It’s likely a reason a lot of us are frustrated at the lack of new allied race news, currently. x- x

For now, we’ll keep an eye on 8.2.5 info and hope for the best. As I said, I feel better having vented on the radio silence.


Hmm, this would be interesting. So essentially an overhaul of character selection and rather ensuring there’s more room? I suppose that could work, though another simpler solution in my opinion would be to just add a scroll bar :stuck_out_tongue: I suppose future ARs being just customization options would be alright, rather than all of them, but the problem there is, we’d lose things like additional dances, jokes, and other really neat stuff. I just fear that it’d turn out like Night Warrior, where the lore was just kind of abandoned and Blizzard went ‘rule of cool’ with it. “Let’s just give night elves black eyes for an obscure reason and call it a day.” But what they did with Greenfire, a full on epic story, I loved, and it made much more sense.

Yeah true that, I wonder when that’s going to hit, anyway. Starting at level ten would make sense. I personally love not having to go through all the starting zone nonsense myself, though that’s an unpopular opinion from what I’ve been seeing :stuck_out_tongue:

Look neat so far! I don’t know a thing about modeling at all, so sadly can’t really say what changes I’d consider viable, and can just give an appreciative nod for the idea sharing. Bat-like ears that are ripped would be super cool, and I can see the shape there already forming ^^

I feel better as well, and you’re making some pretty good points. The Mah’gar and DID thing game out of left field, and I know it made many people very happy regardless. They don’t have to hold the spotlight to be implemented. More lore was added for them in the scenarios, which I found to be quite fun (well, the Mah’gar stuff, I have yet to do DID stuff :stuck_out_tongue: ). Neither were from this expansion at all, but from way back, so our pool can be from the entire game.

I haven’t lost hope for the 'layn yet, and it seems like from the reaction of Blood King Kael’thas and more art in general being tossed around, people have it on their minds. Let’s face it, vampires are considered to be pretty cool despite that horrific series we don’t speak of. They can be monstrous and regal, and would be an appropriate addition to the Horde because of it. I’d even go so far as to say they’d fit even better than Blood Elves! Though I might get smacked for saying that.



Yeah an overhaul to the character creation.
Scroll bar could work, but I think the other would look nicer visually.
I’d prefer keeping the dances and jokes and extra voice lines. I could go either way on racials mainly because people complain about them so much. Or just make them fun visual stuff only, like the flight form for San’layn and stuff like that.
I didn’t mind the Night Warrior stuff, but I do feel like it’s something that needed to be expanded more. It was pretty lack luster. A small quest and it amounted to pretty much nothing after that…at least so far.
It’d have been much cooler had that same questline done something like additionally enable Night Elven Paladins or something more impactful.

I’ve still not done the green fire. Eventually if I get my warlock up higher =D

Be even better if they dropped factions altogether as then you could have a character creation menu where you click Thalassian Elf, and then the next screen you choose from Blood Elf, Void Elf, Vampire elf, High Elf etc
No more of the “waah my faction identity” =P

Probably 9.0
I think they could do it kinda like the way they did the Broken Shore battle. If you’ve been through it once, add a way to skip it and start at 10. I like playing through quest areas if there’s a good story, but once you’ve done it a bunch of times it gets old.
Had the Dark Iron (or whatever) had their own starting area, that’d have been neat to play through, but it also adds a bunch more dev time.

Probably makes it a lot easier to put out the additional races when you don’t have to do the starting areas.

In a way the recruitment quest kinda serves that purpose, but it’s not from the point of view of the new character of that race.

I still wish the new areas would have had more quest storyline.
Plus if they actually do merge/go neutral for the factions, that would give the appearance of more questing/story per character as both factions would likely share the same content instead of having half for each one like we did this expansion.

Makes me think of what they did with SWTOR. Sorta kept factions separate but they a joint rebellion and share the same story.

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As someone who has several alts, I honestly am not fond of the starting scenarios for Goblins, Worgen, Pandaren, Death Knights, and Demon Hunters. I much prefer the open areas that the core vanilla and BC races have, where you can come and go whenever you want and even go to different areas to level up if you wanted to, which is useful for players who want to level together but can’t because they need to get their Goblin past the starting scenario.

Also, given how broken the Worgen starting scenario is and has been for months, it’s another reason I’m not especially fond of them.

I’ll always have hope for Ogres, Saurok, Vulpera, and San’layn for the Horde. Since I’m fairly open to Alliance races, I’d be content if I got those four for the Horde. As I said before, I’ve wanted Ogres since I started playing just after BC, and I’m still going. :smiley:

Honestly, the allied race system is neat in that it brought a lot of people together with the megathreads that have appeared on the forums in showing support for races they want playable. I’ve met some awesome people and enjoyed discussing and writing for different megathreads also. It’ll be fun to celebrate with any megathreads that get the race they’ve been wanting in the near future, also.

I feel like they can insert any allied race at any point during the story. Several of the current allied races either came out of nowhere or don’t have much to do with the current storyline. It’s nothing a little creative writing can’t fix, in my opinion!

I seriously hope they add San’layn as a playable race! If they do, as I’ve said before (as a different character), that the Alliance counterpart could easily be Half-Elves, and possibly have the Naz’dorei (playable Naga concept), as a Neutral race, whos Elf forms depend on faction; if Horde their Elf form is based on Blood Elves; if Alliance, they take on a more or rather appearance of a Night Elf.

Sure why not, people complain about too many elves but the fact is, people will play what they want to play, and if that’s elves well i’d rather have diversity than just a bunch of blood elves.


Oooh Vampire elves that don’t get cured in the same expansion they are introduced? Gimme gimme. :bat:


Hello! I’m back after a while away. Good to see this thread is still going strong!


Hey, just popping into ask if any of you know where the High Elf Megathread went. It seems to be absent.

Currently looks to be closed, sorry to say. I wish them luck in regards to avoiding flagging and such, and am sorry to hear it’s a major issue for them still. Either they will have to wait for it to open again, or make a new one and hope said new one doesn’t get flagged. I don’t want to steer too far into the subject since this isn’t a high elf thread and I don’t want the arguments to spring up, but I understand the frustration and would be equally frustrated if this thread was locked like that.


We’re open again, and we seem to have some better control going!
C’mon over; we’ll hide the garlic and mirrors lol

If Alliance gets High Elves, and/or Half-Elves, then give the Horde the San’layn!


Fair enough!

Half elves would be very DnD of them and they steal pretty much everything else from there so why not?

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