San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Don’t say this silly! Am responding only to this bit for now, because I like sitting and thinking a bit about the important chunks and delay a while because of it (it’s why you’ll see me like but won’t get a solid response for a while). I think your ideas are wonderful and anyone here should be able to come up with them. All ideas are usually good ones, and there’s no primary idea holder, haha. I’m just the gal that slapped the thread together, everyone else is relied upon just as much with their ideas too ^^ I appreciate and love it.

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I think there needs to be some sort of button pushing by a character at some point, that brings up a ranger fighting to defend her homeland aganist invaders only be to killed by a monster and raised into undeath…then a comment like then that monster sat fire to her home, Teldrassil, or something to flip it on Sylvanas, maybe she’s unaware how much like Arthas she was in that instance. It’s a really weird situation with how much she hated him, and now she’s done to another, what she hated him for.

Maybe that could be why he’s poking the bear so much…he sees Arthas, and perhaps hated him.


Poking the bear comes down to two reasons:

Lor’themar: Why do you keep antagonizing her? You know what she is capable of doing, right?
Dreven: I know very well, but I suppose part of me just hopes that somewhere in there, our ranger-general hero exists. Either I hope that she realizes the path she is heading, or…
Lor’themar: Or…?
Dreven: …or we have truly lost her, and we’ll be needing a new warchief soon.


I love your ideas here though and read through them. Basically I think indeed it’s important to show that they aren’t just puppets of Sylvanas. Reasonably they would be upset at how twisted she has become because it would remind them of Arthas. I have an idea for where the remaining San’layn can be.

  1. Underground of Northrend. We encountered a Blood Prince in Anhket the old Kingdom, where we cleared the area of bugs. That’s gone untouched for over a decade…
  2. Naxxanar. On this thread people have expressed interest in having a horde necropolis, and the biggest concentration of San’layn besides ICC was that area. It’s where we first off Valanar.

Also… The blood orb that rezzed the three princes by Lana’thel has yet to be mentioned or found. We were desperate and rushed through ICC. Hmmm… Devil is in the details :wink:

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I suppose another question to ask is if the new Lich King factors into any of this. I’m guessing not, since the San’layn group in BfA was trying to join the Horde, and if they were freed forever after Arthas died, then they would be extremely dubious to Bolvar being around. Based on some interactions in the Vol’Jin questline, Bolvar may not be as benevolent as people thought he would be with the scourge.


Ok off-topic somewhat but I just had to share this because I know some of us are horror fans…

and then, after



I would love it if she and all her Dark Rangers became Darkfallen. Consolidate all undead elves into the one, superior variety.

Continuing on from the “poking to bear” reply I made awhile ago:

Lor’themar: Indeed, but what of your people? Our people? You know she would likely just condemn all of you, right?
Dreven: Not a moment goes by where I stop thinking about my people, and that is precisely why I do what I do. You see, we San’layn were slaves for such a long time, that we would rather fight than just submit to another Lich King. Were something to happen to me, my people would know, and she would know soon thereafter the blunder of her mistake. Besides, after jailing that Tauren leader, do you think she would just continue to silence us so?
Lor’themar: I…honestly don’t know what to expect with her.
Dreven: Precisely. Tell me, what if you end up as Baine did? Or what if you send your people into battle, only to have her blight all of them to get at the enemy? Friends, family, just gone. In an instant.
Lor’themar: I…I think I understand your reasoning better.
Dreven: There is one thing, since we are discussing this. If we ever have the need to dethrone her…and were something to happen to me…I ask that you help watch over my people. Help make sure that they are taken care of. We…have been through so much and…
Lor’themar: Your people are ours. You have done much for Silvermoon, both in life and in death. All of you have a place here.
Dreven: …it feels good to hear the warmth in your voice. Thank you, Reagent Lord.

This is just showing another side of Dreven. Yes, he can be snarky, towards Sylvanas specifically, but he is someone who is a ruler and wants to make sure his people have a place. It’s important to show that he isn’t one-note and has emotions.


So I’m reading the “Before The Storm” novel I got as one of my birthday presents in March, and it has been a fun read so far. I mention this because it does show Sylvanas being nuttier than squirrel droppings.

Without spoiling anything, shes pretty hellbent on wanting the Forsaken to continue increasing in numbers, wanting to decimate Stormwind and turn everyone there into her zombies, and seems so full of herself being a “ruler” of them all. This is also been shown in game as of late in various forms.

It’s a lot of why I was inspired to give Dreven the personality I gave him in my scenario, and I really think that it is key to play on that for the San’layn to become an allied race. It’ll make things more interesting, and maybe even get people to see past the “no more elves!” argument.

I for one want them to just drive her batty as members of the Horde. :V


I support your desire to get the San’layn, I think they would make a nice foil to the Worgen. That classic setting of vampires vs werewolves.


I agree. Your ideas are excellent and I hope they’re taken seriously. Simply brilliant, and I’m honored that you put so much work into thinking about this. The story and development is really well thought out and a nice refreshing story that I feel the lore desperately needs right now.

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Woo san’layn ftw!


Thanks for the cheers!

They are pretty much dead. With Blood Prince Dreven death it was said their threat was eliminated. If you want vampires, wait for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. They aren’t elves BUT there are the Kiyasd, which are fae/vampires. Not that you will be able to play one as they are rare as hell, and Sabbat, BUT they at least exist…

pretty sure dreven was just an envoy sent to establish relations with the horde in zandalar. stopping him and his entourage this attempt definitely wasnt the last of the san’layn

these guys are gonna be so much fun when they finally become a horde AR!


They are gone. It was established they were the last of the San’layn and their threat was ended.

Just reiterating my support for San’layn as a Horde allied race! Bring on the vampires!


Link to me exactly where it was said that they were the “last of the San’layn”? Because you keep saying that over and over without any proof at all. There’s still two missing Blood Princes and Dreven came out of nowhere making new San’layn.

I get that you might not want them but making stuff up is kinda silly. So as I said. Source for the “last of the San’layn” claim please. I mean a SOLID source. Because thus far none of the voice lines have indicated anything of the sort, and twisting it won’t cut it.

If you mean “Ending the San’layn threat” as a questline… clears throat

  1. Was never once established that means “extinct”.
  2. Shandris was ending the threat of what she saw. There were a bunch of ships, one of which had San’layn upon it. Never once did it say EVERY LAST ONE was on there.
  3. Would any intelligent and tactical planner have every single last member of their race all in one place in the middle of the ocean with no protection? That just sounds utterly stupid and San’layn are far from stupid.

I appreciate the kind words, although as I said, what I write isn’t perfect. A lot of writing inspiration comes from the two scenarios I wrote for Ogres in the Ogre megathread, one for them as an allied race and one for them as a new regular race complete with pre-expansion events and Ogre newbie questlines. I felt creative when I thought about what I wanted to see with the San’layn questline, and so I thought and typed.

The other comes from eventually wanting to write some stories involving my characters, inspired from watching D&D campaigns. That and Warcraft does not have a lot of media based on just adventurers, usually instead focusing on established lore characters.

That said, I’m going to leave a fun mental image. An Ogre with their hands clasped together with a dopey smile on their face and blinking eyes looking at a San’layn with their arms crossed.

San’layn: For the last time! I will NOT turn into a bat so you fly in the air on me!

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That sounds neat! Feel free to link your post on there here and I’ll read it; I can check it out on my own as well when I’m free too though ^^

True, but there’s always roleplay; do you roleplay in game? It’s a ton of fun with the right people for sure.

This made me giggle :stuck_out_tongue: I will say it’ll be fun to see ogre characters as a roleplayer. I think my main (Falls) who’s a San’layn rockstar (think Blight Boar style music) would be thrilled to hang out and learn about them since she’s the opposite of xenophobic. (Yeah I don’t play my elves like people do typically, not my style hahaha).