San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thanks for reaching out. To put it all into context-

The main issue people have with the council is that it feels very cherry picked and the Devs are seemingly only focusing on what they say.

And very few council members have asked for any kind of feedback from the rest of the community.

Virtually no one from any Allied Race or Customization Communities where added, and Blizzard has show zero to negative interest in either new Allied Races or Customizations.

And with the nature of the CC Forum, it feels very much like we are on the outside looking in.

On this particular subject.

Blood Elves have wanted Runes since TBC Launch as it was on the box art. It is very much a Blood Elf thing that they have not gotten and has been dangled in front of them on the Box and on characters like Magister Rommath. It’s the equivalent of Night Elf Vines.

Blood Elves got very little in terms of new and interesting customizations.

They got a small Handful of Hairstyles. They got some new skin colors. They got no unique features aside for a few Armbands for Females only that are limited in colors. They got no Subraces like San’layn/Dark Rangers/Felbloods.

So when there was mention of giving Runes to just Mages, something Blood Elves have been requesting for many years along with a request to share their remaining hairstyles, you can see how it would not be taken kindly.

Not to mention Blood Elves and Void Elves (And High Elves) want to stand out from each other, not look more alike.

To use the Night Elf Vines example again, it would be like giving them to Druids alone, or giving Warpaint to Warriors and not Tauren. Things like this should go to the races it has cultural significance for first and foremost.

Runes for Blood Elves puts their magical affinity at the forefront, lets them pick Fel/Arcane/Blood/Light themes, and lets them resemble some of their Lore Characters.

As Fallynn mentioned, there is a list on the second post of this thread.

Fenelon has compiled several active Customization Threads on the bottom of the Void Elf thread.

And I have compiled a bunch of short list for all Playable races. (Note, it is still being actively worked on in my free time)

I will keep that in mind for the future.