<Safe Haven> -Bloodsail - NA/Alliance - Casual/Social guild

Added you both!

Love the idea, but Iā€™m set on playing Horde.

When I inevitably roll an Alliance alt, however, I might look you up to see if thereā€™s space!

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Personally looking for something similar. But I only play late nights PST 9-11PMish. With only 20 or 25 people that means I would be lucky to ever see 1 person online. Good luck!

No problem :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s no way I can know what time everyone will be playing at the moment. You are welcome to try us out though. Personally, my play times fluctuate as well; on my days off Iā€™ll be on throughout the day but on my days off Iā€™ll be on in the evenings. It just depends on whatā€™s going that particular day. Like I said before, hopefully there will be people on throughout the day and this will be the type of environment for those with real life commitments, intermittent play styles, etcā€¦ Very casual however when people are online we will definitely group up and do things.

Canā€™t contact you without being friends unless Iā€™m missing something on Discord.
Also, I am Retired Military but prefer Horde so I wish you the best of Luck. :slight_smile:

Understood. Thatā€™s kind of what I have had to do the past few years. Have joined various guilds, seems ok right after expansions, then a few weeks later by the time I login there is 1 person online. Iā€™m the type who really enjoys the social aspect, questing in groups, duo etc. So Iā€™ll check back after launch. Thanks

Yeah unfortunately, you would have to send a friend invite (unless someone knows another way?).

And I appreciate the well wishes!

Greetings. My wife and I have been talking about looking for a family/community based guild for Classic launch, and you good folks sound like exactly what weā€™re looking for. Weā€™re older players (both 50+) who met playing WoW right around the time that TBC launched. Iā€™ll likely be on more often than she is, as Iā€™m unable to work any more, and she travels 40 miles each way to work daily. We will absolutely schedule weekend time for guild activities though, and look forward to meeting people and making friends in the game again. Hoping we might fit in. Supporting this idea regardless.

Hey there,

You and your wife will most certainly fit inā˜ŗļø

I got your request on discord and I sent you a link. Pop in when you can and say hello! Look forward to playing with you all!

sorry guys, I can not alliance.
have fun, good luck

If I donā€™t find a sufficient group of friends from my old guild that are interested in forming up somewhere as a group(which seems unlikely as of now), I am looking for something exactly like this for me and my brother. d1r7y5pa7ula#1487

Well if you donā€™t find what you are looking for, weā€™ll be around!

Iā€™m interested, and hopefully can get my son & his friends to join us ā€“ I started playing in 2005 when my kids (then 11 & 13) started playing. Iā€™m Essgem#8288 on discord, although I havenā€™t used it much. Will add you as a friend now, getting ready for the stress test (and am ridiculously excited)!

I am looking for a guild much like this, but I am firmly bi-factional. Do you have any interest in, or would consider the idea, of having both an Alliance and a Horde side guild running out of the same discord? Since youā€™re PvE itā€™s actually not too bad.

Iā€™d like to have one group of people to play both sides with, but if I end up having to have one Ally guild and one Horde guild sounds right up my alley. :slight_smile:

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@Suepy I got your request and added you. Pop in and say hello when you get a chance. You and your sons are more than welcome to join.

@Raelissa I donā€™t have a problem with that at all. If there is enough interest I would do a Safe Haven Horde guild as well. I even made a note on the discord about it previously that if the guild was interested in a horde side alt guild it could done as well. In any case, I donā€™t mind if you are bi-factional; ā€¦if you want to sign up with us as your Alliance home for the moment thatā€™s fine as well!

Enjoy the stress test guys!

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Iā€™m interested in joining! RP/PvE and Alliance are perfect for me. And your guild ideas fit right in with my play style. Thanks in advance! I will attempt to contact you on Discord. I am ulkesh#7386.

Got you in! Welcome aboard!

Your guild looks really good to me. Tried to find you on discord. Have only used it once years ago so not sure what Iā€™m doing. Donā€™t have a headset either. So anyways Iā€™ll try some more. :slight_smile:

Hey there! Your guild description sounds awesome, just the kind of chill, encouraging environment Iā€™ve been hoping to find in Classic. Iā€™d love to join if thatā€™s okay with you - Iā€™d need to set Discord back up on my phone, but for now you can reach me in-game via brilligspoon#1365.

Hah, okay, I just went ahead and re-downloaded Discord. Iā€™m threeforgirls#1916 there. :slight_smile: