kollow area 52 discord is .calloe if ur still looking for a havoc dh i pugged this tier so only 4/9m but im interested
Hello, im currently looking for a new guild as my current guild disbanded. im a holy pally main at 443, 2500 IO and combined with my shaman (other main) I was 5/9 Mythic with AOTC of course last raid. I can provide logs upon request. my battle tag is Lokko#11656. Look forward to hearing from you
You’re welcome to submit an application and we’ll take a look at it
You’re welcome to submit an application and we’ll take a look at it.
Feel free to submit an application at the link in the post.
Still have room for some ranged
Still looking for some ranged dps
Still got room for dps
For more dps, bump, bump, bump it up
Bump for Rasha kill
Gimme a tank. Bump, bump.
Applied, looking forward to talking with you