I have a feeling blizz is going to tie in tons of stuff from draenor with current events “including maybe new races that originated from draenor”. I am also just a nerd that follows a bunch of other nerds on youtube that talk about lore stuff. The only real bases I see this a possibility on is if the next expansion really does go with some sort of no faction play system. Ultimately the new races would still pick horde or alli and they would have that logo next to that character on the loading screen.
'Scuse me, as a “nobody” by your definition of it, this “nobody” would love to MAIN a Saberon.
Yes, I’m a cat-nobody
As far as I know the first instance of Vampires Vs Werewolves was Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein.
Although I know it best from Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Also Van Helsing but that’s so B-grade I’m not sure you’d consider it a step up from Twilight.
Tricky question. I believe more player options are better, however I also think they need to add a whole lot of Azeroth based Races first. Saberon do need to be considered at some point, but they need lore and more first.
Personally I want Sethrak, San’Lyn and Vulpera. They are probably the races I consider the coolest this expac. I also would like it if Blizzard overhauled all current races with more customization options even the Allied Races we just got.
But knowing them it’ll take years for them to do anything remotely productive.
If saberon get a paladin class I would quickly reroll. It might be fun to play as a thundercat! But do we really want to put catgirls into world of warcraft!
Won’t be in Stormwind. Will be Orgrimmar. Calia’s Light undead will be in Stormwind.
And that will be one allied race based on each original class, sans Pandas. (Assuming mechagnomes/vulpera or gilgoblins)
i think horde saberon. then we got cats vs. dogs. hehe
also give horde the san’layn and we have werewolves vs. vampires.
but, maybe we could have a diverging azerothian saberon, that is alliance themed also. so it would bifurcate. panthers and tigers to horde. lions and leopards to alliance.
I mean they aren’t catgirls if they have animal bodies. Anime has taught me cat girls are basically human except for the eats and tail.
Had some of the best werewolves visually though. =]
As far as ‘Van Helsing’ goes, you are correct.
As for the other mentions, thank you!
Especially Abbott and Costello; totally hilarious but also with a few chills!
I know this was a dead tread, but I would love to have Saberons as a allied race for the Alliance. They can have a Wakanda-like nation on ( AU Draenor’s ) Ferahlon, hidden away from mag’har orcs. Reason why we don’t see female Saberons or more civilize male Saberons outside Ferahlon. With the same threat that cause the mag’har orcs to leave AU Draenor will be forcing these Saberons to relay on help from the Alliance. King Anduin, being a animal lover himself, would help them. And it would be a great way to show all the doubters the he can unite and lead if he can re-unite the whole Saberon nation, to save even the tribes that still follows the old ways and lives outside from Ferahlon. Plus we’ll able to see who is behind the invasion on AU Draenor.
The orcs lived on Faralohn. The part of Faralohn that was created but never implemented has Iron Horde structures on it.
What invasion? The WoD one? That was Garrosh and Kairozdormu (dunno bout that spelling). Are talking about the Legion one? That was the orcs not drinking the demon blood. Are you talking about the Lightbound? That was crazy Yrel.
With the Zandalari in the Horde we’ve yet to unite all the trolls, because most of them who haven’t joined either have a too proud history or are too savage.
Or because we don’t have any models for them
Where’s my female ogres
I would love this as well, cat races has always been my favorite and i made them in every mmo i play khajiit, catain, hrothgar. Wow is only one missing one and its one i play most too. Hopefully becomes a option.
Saberon is definitely a Horde race. They fit our tribalistic (I think I just made up a word) theme.
Plus, they fled to our Barrens. If they look for help from anyone it will be the tauren or orcs.
Potentially night elves since the orcs would see them and be hostile, and night elves are generally very friendly to humanoid animal races, take the furbolg for example.
Tribalistic is a real word. There’s no reason that couldn’t change but I get what you mean. I can think of several races I’d love to have if Alliance got saberon.
(Commentary): I disagree. They use the worgen rig, which on a meta level makes them more of an Alliance race. Outside of that, the most notable of their characters, Leorajh, was enlightened and had a very Alliance attitude and outlook. If playable Saberon become playable they’d need some kind of enlightenment like Leorajh had to not just be barely sentient beasts, and at that point, if Leorajh is anything to go by, they’d suit the Alliance well.
(Observation): They have a history of mutual aggression with Orcs. I do not imagine they want to seek help from a faction of Orcs. Seems more likely they’d end up in contact with the Night Elves, especially if they moved further north towards Ashenvale. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the Wild Gods from Hyjal found them, began teaching them, and brought them to the Night Elves.
Yes yes and trolls/undead were hated enemies with high/blood elves but things change.
They wouldn’t have contact with the night elves because they don’t have a large base on Kalimdor anymore and nothing in the Barrens. The tauren are known to be a kind and noble race so there’s no reason they wouldn’t be friends with us.
Amani trolls. The closest thing we have to Amani in the Horde is the Revantusk. Undead were hated enemies of everyone. But the forsaken changed that, at least to an extant.
I seriously doubt an elf back then would have said “excuse me Mr. Troll, are you Darkspear or Amani? I need to know before I shove this sword through your face.”
My point was things change and the factions made weird bed follows.