S y s t e m l a n d s

rng soulbinds
legendaries (guaranteed but cost a ridiculous amount to craft and upgrade, 200k excluding mats last I heard)

Ion in July: “Ugh so sorry for all these BFA systems we hear our players!!”

Even if these engagement metrics playtime boosters endless grinds expansion features are more “alt friendly” and are less time consuming, and have an immediate catchup mechanic - W T A F???

This is just “we’re removing titan forging and lessening RNG gearing” and then turning around and introducing vendorless corruption for 4 months 2.0

“We’re reintroducing conquest!” In pre-BFA, to give the facade that players would be able to buy gear again, as they were able to in the entire history of WoW until legion. ->LFR level gear is the reward, doesn’t matter anyway because on top of it’s terrible ilvl and stats, PvE gear comes with 152538 effects only useful in PvP and dead on arrival in PvE

“Gear will matter again”-allow ridiculously powerful, meta defining trinkets and procs to destabilize arena meta without outright disabling them, something that took until MOP to achieve, and is going to continue on into shadowlands if they stop trying to bandaid fix PvP trinkets. They need to pull the plug and disable them. Period.

Legion S4 and S7 tabards are the same, promised a change, never happens. Proceed to get rehashed Scout’s Tabard x3 and… a tablecloth in BFA

Dreadflame not acc wide. Glad mounts are? 3300 players getting the same end of season reward as 2400 players? Lol ok

This turned into a list of anecdotal grievances which I am sure could be expanded upon further.

Anyone remember IonKnowHow2DesignGamesKostas in July? Saying they learned their lesson from BFA systems and they were gonna tone it down? JFC


I’m afraid Shadowlands is going to have a ton of chores and things that are “forced” on us.

Like, all that stuff, Torghast every week, M+ every week, Conq capping, Raiding if trinkets matter, legendaries for all your characters.

I don’t mind playing other areas of the game sometimes, but the amount of pressure to do everything every week and constantly play everything just so I can maximize my chances at getting important PvP items is so unenjoyable.

I’ll play em because I wanna play em, not cause you’re trying to dupe me with some barely concealed skinner box trying to prey on everyone’s addiction.

I really, really wish they’d just bring back a Conquest set that everyone eventually finishes and ends on the same stopping point for a given season. Make it useless in PvE for all I care. If I wanna slap monsters I’ll put together a different set and hop through all the hoops they keep insisting on for E N G A G E M E N T.

I literally played more before they started all this than I do now. :<


Dreadflame’s account wide now.


not to side with blizzard because I agree with everything you’ve said, but Dreadflame is in fact account wide now.

edit: sniped


ppl on gd are saying the ripcord has been pulled; apparently the efficacy of covenants on beta have been significantly reduced to the point that they have almost no impact on gameplay outside of cosmetics. that sounds really promising


Systemlands is gonna be fun!

good if true but people on gd barely complete world quests. It’s hard to take what they say serious.

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It might be…It might be… Just know one thing hope to max out every system and 1 shot. Nothing like Unlimited Powa!!!

Still better than corruption and essences.

This game was supposed to be live this week, on beta everytime you finish an arena you have to relog otherwise you’re line of sight bugged, you cant hit anyone and can’t be hit


Your opinion doesn’t matter cause you 1550 exp so its not valid.

Ion HazziKostUsEverything


And they still have better gear than people who just PVP. My affliction alt was getting ilvl 81 from a single WQ, while multiple BGs earn me a single ilvl 68 piece.


noobender for president

200k GOLD?

Bleh… Sums it up too well.

Yeah if it’s gold I’m just not upgrading. F that noise.

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It’s easy to “improve” when the bar is this low. It may be better, but it’s like saying a broken car is better than one on fire… sure it is “better”, but still useless.


im convinced that any of you actually logging in to slands expecting to have an enjoyable s1 experience are just masochistic to the max


World of Warcraft is holding stable since last year, with Blizzard total at 30 million monthly active users (MAUs).

I was just kidding lol