Running LFR for domination pieces

I don’t even think the OP is telling the truth. He is hiding behind an alt that hasn’t set foot in the raid.

it’s entirely possible he is telling the truth. there are several members of my raid missing dom socket pieces, even after doing the raid on normal/heroic (and mythic as we progress) every week since launch.

more than once we’ve had people get a dom socket drop, be willing to trade it but be unable to due to ilvl restrictions. pretty crappy system.


They might be. But it is a bit sus posting on an alt that hasn’t done the raid yet while talking about things that involve the raid. Therefore we can’t see if he is telling the truth without having to go to third party sites and track down his main.

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Have you had to bench someone for not having it yet?

You’d be doing the same for tier sets , yet people want those back :rofl:


no, but we’re not that type of raid.

there’s a reason we get our CE’s super late in the tier :wink:


Getting dom slots is stupid, shards however is one and done deal across difficulty.

My Warlock who I run Mythics with (Yes, even Mythic SoD) has yet to get Dom shoulders yet this guy got all 5 dom slots before my warlock gets to have 5.

I know it’s not optimal to get 5 dom slots. But come on, man… RNG is RNG and it’s been 2 months since I got the dom shoulders to put my Shard of Cor on. :L

It’s indeed a silly system. But 160 shard is a bit questionable. There’s a total of 9 for each character. Once you get all nine, you don’t have to worry about getting shards ever again on that character.


My Mrs got her new dh alt to 60 earlier this week, took it to lfr and came out with 3 unholy gems, 3 or 4 Dom sockets (including the activator piece) and a weapon.

So yeah, we’re not talking right now.


The part of the community that takes pleasure in making other players feel bad seems to be increasing with changes to the game.

yea I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the embers.


Ah embers.

Now that is a different story.

Sounds like you need a crying towel!

Yeah. Just kills motivation for progression. That’s why I quit caring, play other games, and raid log.

Yeah it can be rough. It helps if you just try and ignore it. As several people have pointed out, its not going to hold you back from killing a boss. I have all shards, but no helmet or tunic yet. lol. I have cleared normal 5 times minus Sylvanas. We just got remnant down on heroic last night so im hoping vault gives me the 239 helm.

I only do LFR and on my paladin the domination gear just keeps dropping. The domination shards, not so much, so I think I have two empties and it’s annoying. This character probably has three shards for every socket she has.

I was one of the last in my guild to get the 3 piece and I rocked LFR pieces for quite awhile. I replaced my LFR helm with a mythic helm last night finally. It got bad enough we strictly forbid people pug normal/heroic on their mains just so loot could be traded accordingly.

Yep expect the same post being spammed when those come back.


the whole system is kinda bad.

the set bonus doesnt work outside of the raid/maw. so its actually better to not use the set and only 3 dps ones… since it’ll be way easier to get high ilvl items from m+/vault without dom sockets in them. pretty sure ppl spend more time in m+s than they do in raid.

at this point im done thinking about it… i just… dont care anymore.

I know the feeling. Still only 2 sockets after about 80 kills split between normal and heroic and now my raid leader is saying we’ll be skipping normal from now on to put more time into heroic. Out of 16 players, 4 are without any rune word. It sucks.

It’s do able to finish raid with minimal amount of pieces.
They aren’t continuing with this system in 9.2 so you min maxers should probably stop fretting over stuff that causes you so much grief.