Rune Predictions, or ones you'd like to see in later phases

Rune of titans grip


Something new.

Make me a tank dangit! DO IT! We have all the dodge.

Corrupted into for paladin only :stuck_out_tongue:

Hunter Retail Disengage, none of this 1 second delay Wrath Disengage. Oh and a completely new Hunter Trap as a Rune that doesn’t exist in Retail either.

I thought Mind Flay was added in TBC, haven’t played Priest in Vanilla in forever lol, I’ve a 25 Priest in SoD but he hasn’t got Mind Flay.

Never played a Spriest for real, only was ever Disc or Holy.

As cool and as requested as this one is, I’m just worried about Warriors taking any and all 2H weapons from others, just so they can use it as an offhand lol.

Gear funneling to warriors is partially why people are so salty about them, why there’s so much anti-warrior rhetoric going around.

They are seen as loot hogs. Moreso than Hunters, because Hunters scale poorly, or at least did back then.

They’ll take your leather, too. Everything always went to the Warrior, to the disdain of other players.

Haha nah, Mind Flay is the level 20 talent point in the talent tree, of course you won’t see many people use it due to Mind Spike being superior in every way.

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Hunter tank rune for melee
Rune that lets your pet learn another special ability from a different pet family

rune idea for rets, let vengeance talent apply party wide and affect magic damage too

Mage armor rune that turns the class into a melee class. Conjured weapons etc

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I gotcha boo :">

Maybe like Rune of the Huntsman:

  • Based around Aspects
  • Rune grants: Aspect of the Huntsman
    • Increase armor by X%; since they get mail later on, I’m not sure what a good percentage would be
    • Provides crit immunity
    • Makes Distracting Shot a 0-10yrd taunt + high threat
    • All shots become 0-10yrd ranged attacks
    • All shots still affected by Hawk Eye; so 16yrd would be the max range
    • Increases dodge by 15% (as a 2hand tank, I have ~22% avoidance so trying to aim for that amount); remember 5/5 Imp. Monkey would be 13% dodge.
    • Raptor Strike now causes high threat
    • Mongoose Strike provides a 30 second damage reduction when used
      From me, in the past: New hunters runes! - #29 by Illutiankade-pagle
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Titans Grip…

Priest tanking rune. I will live my priest tanking dream!

You can sorta tank on a priest in era, theres even a priest tank guide out there, up to ony tanking.

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SoD would have been crazier if every class could both tank and heal.

Hunter pets could lick the targets wounds, it’d be weird but interesting nonetheless, pet-based healers lol.

Groups would be so much easier to make, for one.

There are private WoW servers that let you freely build your characters from scratch, choose your skills and build your own class, kinda like Diablo.

I feel folks would certainly like it if that was an option.

It seems those “hero talents” from the next retail expansion are an attempt at that- letting you be “more unique” while still being a specific specialization.

Anyways, crazier runes would be cooler, as much as I like our older retail abilities.

Homunculi surprised me, in a good way.

At some point, people will tank with Priests again lol.

Only thing I care about is as a warlock, but not sure what I’d like to see. While getting something like the felguard would be nice, I don’t want to just pull from retail.

I’d like something that spreads corruption from shadow cleave/shadow bolt, maybe maintaining the remaining duration on the original application. Gives a reason to pair it with everlasting affliction.

-Purifying Power: Reduces cooldown of Exorcism, Holy Wrath by 50% and Holy Wrath now affects all targets. Demons and Undead are stunned for 2 seconds by Holy Wrath. Consecration and Holy Wrath mana cost reduced by 80%.
-Improved Hammer of Wrath: Instant cast, mana cost reduced and instant crit. Potential to be used at 30% hp up from 20%
-Greater Lay on Hands: Reduce mana cost of LoH to 0 and reduce its CD by 30 minutes.
-Cleansing Touch: Purify and Cleanse now remove multiple debuffs instead of 1.
-Augmented Seals: Seals now last 30 minutes and Judgment does not consume the Seal.
-Templars Verdict: x% weapon damage as holy damage strike. Auto procs active Seal. Causes your next Crusader Strike and Divine Storm to auto proc your active Seal as well.
-Aura Mastery: You can have 2 auras active at once and your auras affect the entire raid.

On tank shaman would be wiiiild

Why are these all Melee/PVP focused?

Lacerate should be Piercing Shots, if anything as that makes it useful for non-Melee hunters as well.

I’d much rather ones like Misdirection, Black Arrow, Silencing Shot, Readiness, Improved Stings (boosts Sting damage by X%, removes the “Must be out of combat” portion of Wyvern Sting)

Imo, this one should just be a book/tome, if they decide to add threat-tranfers abilities in SoD, instead of a rune slot.

It’s totally useless of a move in PvP, I’m trying to select runes that could be used in both PvP and PvE.

Lacerate just further builds into melee hunter, which has already been extablished.

More shots and stings would be good though, ranged hunter could use more.