Rules preventing you from killing enemies

The only thing that prevents people from doing bad things in lore/ irl is the internal and external debate of

  1. Can I get away with it?

  2. How will that affect me and those associated with me.

  3. If I do this will I care about the repercussions?

Other than that honestly not much, weigh the pros and cons of your future actions.


Hello Micah,

Regarding the discord that I think youā€™re talking about - such is the one that I run. I am aware of two posters other than myself who come from it. We have, in the past, elevated a few topics - usually write-ups that came from me while I was unsubscribed - to the forums - but we have not elevated or encouraged the practice of creating alts for discussion. Because of my presence on said discord - I have also tried to gear it towards amicable solutions - and to that end, we actually have a lot of Horde fans on said discord - to the extent that I think they actually outnumber the number of Night Elf fans there. I moderate this discord, and I share moderation duties with a Blood Elf/Forsaken fan, who isnā€™t shy about giving me a run for my money in debates.

If youā€™d like to join us, hereā€™s the link. I donā€™t worry about sharing it because I feel that we have nothing to hide. Iā€™m aware that we have several moles or potential moles who arrived during an attempt to brigade our little community. To the extent that they didnā€™t break the rules, I kept them around.


@ Droite

Regarding the ā€œoneā€ that wrote paragraphs about you - I take responsibility for that. That was me. You can find that content on the discord that I just posted the link to. I thought I made this clear at the time, but evidently there is still some confusion about it. Regardless, Iā€™m glad to have gotten the chance to speak with you since, and to appreciate that the boogey-goblin that I once thought you were isnā€™t who you actually are. We still donā€™t see eye-to-eye on a lot, but Iā€™m glad that weā€™ve been able to clear away at least some misunderstandings.


Iā€™d love if a massive insurrection group of Nightelves went against the Alliance and just wrought havoc against the Horde in various nations, with a handful of other renegade Alliance races that sparked a civil war within the Alliance and disarray in the Horde trying to recoup the mass destruction caused by various artifacts and guerilla-tactic warfare.

Would be entertaining to see Tyrande simply state sheā€™ll respect the treaty by not engaging the Horde but certainly not save them from her people that seek to spit on such treaty.

What Iā€™d love more. Is if the Alliance player base could join the insurrection warfare and find out. That Malfurion Stormrage. Was leading them.

^ All this would be fantastic if it was juuuust before a big threat. ā€œOops, no time for war or bad feelsies Hordies - We gotta work together!ā€ {Tilts head dejectedly with Smug Smile}


I appreciate the honesty Kyalin, truly.