Rules preventing you from killing enemies

What will prevent an ordinary Horde from killing everything and everyone again, including himself? Their respect for the government is questionable - numerous coups (2). Honor is too abstract and assumes the killing of any enemy, whoever he is and so that you do not bind (the attack on NE after Nordrassil after about 6-8 years?). Celebrated Heroes? They usually appear just when danger looms over the Horde, and then they die. Yes, and they seem to have no mind oppressors, and if there are, then the oppressive influence only affects the Alliance. I don’t know further about the Horde.
What will prevent an Alliance private from killing the Horde if revenge begins? After all, I am moral, because I am the Light myself, and they insulted me twice, three times! Elune favors us, because her anger is with us! And every time there is an excuse for revenge. So why not eradicate the infection once and for all? True, there is an oppressive mind Anduin, who even without a personal presence suppresses the desire to kill.
Hmm. A worthless topic. Repeats what was discussed in other topics. Hmm.
Are there clearly defined moral principles for races / factions in relation to outsiders that, if violated, are immediately condemned?

“I am moral.”

“I am justified in killing people who insult me.”

Sums up this post as a whole tbh


Really going that far? Ok let’s go with:

So my Troll can keep serving his loa, so he can:

That’s what you waned to read?

You wrote this: “In order for my troll to continue serving his Loa, he must continue to kill everything and everyone”? Did I understand correctly?

Zekhan, apparently

P.S. what is with so many fresh NEP accounts lately?


Yes. It was a joke response. Because you are so over the top.

The meta reason why it won’t happen is, because the game is based on two factions. Why there won’t be a new Garithos? Who knows, doesn’t seem to fit what the current writers are going for the golden, noble Alliance. To make it clear I dislike this portrayal of the Alliance.

Look… I really wanna be sympathetic towards Night Elf players for all the stuff BFA took from them - and I still am, many Night Elf players I know can voice their grievances in a calm and respectful way - but the incessant “the Horde is full of evil monsters” threads from a Night Elf alt that adds nothing of substance past that makes it harder to do so everyday.


I read through a translator, so I often don’t fully understand what was meant.
“Because you are so over the top” - do you mean excessive pretentiousness? Or too much text for a short question?
What you describe reminds me of Atal 'Hakkar. Nice type. From afar.

@Grandblade In theory, I was interested in moral principles that up to this point in the narrative were not violated or were immediately condemned by the party who owns this moral principle. Probably the first three paragraphs of the text should have been cut out.

Did I mention Grandblade? Or is it done differently? Did I mention anyone at all?

And in every thread, even threads that have nothing to do at all with Teldrassil. Consistently at times that correspond to European evenings or European mornings. :upside_down_face:


7:53 morning.

Over the top means simply extreme, or an exaggeration. The whole wipe out the Horde thing. I mean what do you even expect us to answer?
Such moments can be interesting in a story. I’m not sure what to think though after reading your post the way you worded it. It seems antagonistic.

Honestly? At this point I’m convinced it’s just the same person making multiple alts. They all parrot the same exact talking points after all.


I suspect a group of friends. Two of the alts today were made January 20th but had different other achievements, and both liked all the same posts of another NEP alt whose profile is hidden.


Hadn’t consider that. Probably from the that cesspool discord group


Probably the one mentioned a few days ago that is apparently Night Elf Only and spent time writing paragraphs talking crap about Droite they admitted to.


Honor is as nebulous of a concept to the Alliance as it is as the Horde. Ask anyone today to define it in real life and you’ll be hard pressed to get anything concrete beyond personal integrity and social standing.

Chivalry and Bushido, on the other hand, play into honor, but isn’t honor itself. It’s adhering to agreed upon terms of engagement (in which those of standing were 100% okay with killing peasants and surrendered soldiers, until the later measurements of chivalry included more virtues instead of an okay list for who it’s okay and who it’s not okay to kill and how.).

What ‘can’ prevent people from killing one another is agreements. In a military sense, if a Marshal (or, in the Horde’s case, a Warlord) says “no military hostilities”, then you follow it on threat of disciplinary action - oftentimes severe, since military courts are far more harsh than civilian courts (and that still persists in the real world to this day.).

In a societal sense, if you’re doing something someone of standing (like a King or in Warcraft’s Horde storyline, a Warchief) has explicitly forbidden, then, there is likely consequences. In a feudal society, nobles can just do whatever they please to their subjects, but, let’s say society has advanced enough where someone can reliably see due process, they could still try you for something greater like high treason by trying to spark a war, or something lesser like banditry, depending on the judge’s disposition.


Er, at this point you’re just talking about someone committing a murder-suicide, and nothing’s really stopping anybody from doing that. It happens IRL all of the time. The horde’s been written to be flawed in a spectrum of ways over the years but this really isn’t something uniquely horde to do.

LOL, apparently I’m popular among some corners of the the NE playerbase.

What can I say? They are the antithesis of my favorite race and type of power fantasy. Though, I am not secretive about my general dislike for the conceptual expected NE racial fantasy from some of its players. That is true. I simply prefer Underdog stories, and the NEs could not be any less that.


Oho nothing of course.

Though I don’t think we’d be so mindless as to destroy ourselves in the process.

That sounds like something the writers would do to save face.

Вот на форуме EU-RU: Shernish
Here is the main (and only) character: Shernish
I don’t know about Discord. If it’s English, then I’m definitely not in it: I don’t know the language.
I have no connection with other English-speaking Nelfs.
So hate (be angry? Despise? Dislike? Which verb is right?) On (race name) FPA separately. Distinguish shades of sweet madness!

Now comes the tricky part. Mention the second person.

Does the two (actually more) internecine wars show that the Horde is quite capable of killing itself? At least not the one who is “good” will survive.

And yes, I love Droite. Those goblin posters that I remember usually look … impressive? Enjoyable to read. True, usually I am greedy for any walls of text.