I’m not responsible for how other people play the game. I don’t care if they fight on the road or in Mezz. I haven’t complained about any of that.
I’ve tried to be respectful and polite and explain my first hand experience. Now you’re telling me I haven’t seen what I’ve seen and asking me how I know what I know. I know because I took the time to understand an issue before I commented on it and I spent the better part of a week watching how the operation works. I participated in BFN hordeside while watching their stream. I watched as my alliance friends streamed their video and audio and had discussions with them, after. I even paid close attention when CL cranked up M10 crap.
You like to attribute Ruin’s antics to one thing. The stuff their raid leaders say openly and while streaming isn’t so nice.
I’m sure the next horde I see will be sure to respect the 1v1 I am having with their ally. After all they wouldnt want to ruin a good battle. And it’s not like Horde dont outnumber Alliance in general in warmode. Horde don’t need the help.
And outside of the RP servers, horde outnumber Alliance. Overall, across all servers, Horde Outnumber Alliance. Why should the destinction be made between RP or otherwise. Most horde wouldn’t care just as most horde dont care if they jump into a 5v1 on my server cluster. Its only an issue because its the Alliance doing it.
WPvP will almost never be even fights. You might have a good 1v1 going then some horde comes along and turns into a 1v2. Such is what it is.
Wpvp will almost always be 2v1, 3v1, 4v1, or even 20v1. Such is the way things go as long as the opportunity exists for one side to bring more people.
You want even numbers, bg’s and Arena exist. And even then one side can have leavers and afkers the the other side wont care.
Your fantasy of 35 v 35 pvp in the open world is just that, a fantasy.
I have been ganked too many times by roaming bands of Horde while just trying to complete my dailies in Uldum and the Vale, to really have any sympathy for anything that happens to them. I don’t care if their server cluster happens to be Alliance dominated. They all deserve it.
Dude. I am on Horde side on my main, in the Horde Ruin guild on Tich, and I lead groups everyday in Naz when I don’t have rl stuff to do. The chances of you seeing the Alliance Ruin in a shard are way more slim than you think. You have a large choice of shards to choose from. There are at least 10-12 groups in group finder every battle advertising. Go join one of those. You have ways of limiting or negating the lag or whatever nonsense you’re crying about.
What did I just read? So this guy is hiding behind an alt because he feels threatened or attacked in a video game? Dude it’s a game. Just like everyone says about me, nobody really cares lol. This seems like rp stuff tbh.
I normally use group finder and there weren’t any groups for an early morning BFN: the horde in the zone formed a raid. There were 13 of us. We listed in group finder. No one joined. there were an equal number of alliance on the shard. We played well, so did they. The scores were within a 100 or so points of each other and we were 20 minutes in to the battle. And then, out of nowhere, two full Ruin led raid groups zoned in. Lag was so bad we couldn’t even rez. The horde went from winning to losing with a full alliance raid on nodes and a group controlling Newhome. Similar things happened two more times that day and I set out to figure out what was happening.
There’s no crying. Just me sharing what I saw and learned with people who may not know.
Well, well, well… It appears my posts have been restored by a lovely forum moderator since they didn’t violate any ToS.
I’m curious though. When the mods see rampant reporting of multiple people, and those posts are not in violation of ToS, is the person that abused the flagging system held accountable?