
Rsham / Ele Sham looking for guild on horde or alliance. I am 223 ilvl with mythic XP. Wanting to do more pvp and also pve. Alt is a Resto / boomkin druid at 218. Jesse#1248 BTAG

Hey there Demonsea! Nice to meet you. After reading your wants and what you are looking for, we might be a fit for you! We are currently more focused on raiding, but we do occasionally PVP but do a lot of content as for PVE. Right now we are reaching for AOTC as we are 9/10 Heroic CN. Down below is our little spiel, feel free to message us with any questions you might have!

White Lotus on Illidan is recruiting for Shadowlands! We are an active, LGBTQ+ friendly, and helpful guild that is trying to make it’s way through SL and move into 9.1. Our current raid time is Fri 8-11pm EST (5-8pm PST), with an additional second time of Tue 9pm-12am EST (6-9pm PST) tentative, we are progressing on Heroic Sire Denathrius. Other than raiding, we also do Mythic +, mount runs, achievements, m+, Torghast, you name it! We also have a nice handful of KSM’s with us.

For our raid team we are looking for DPS but are welcoming anyone, at any level, to join our community! We have a spot for everyone. Join us on discord (ask for link) or reach out on BattleNet to our Guild Master, Kretyn#1728 or myself, amyag#1972. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Discord username: amy#2891

Heya Demonsea! We’re an Alliance guild looking to raid Mythic in 9.1 and could use a Resto Shaman. We raid Tue/Wed/Sun 8:30-11pm PST. You can find more info about us and how to get in touch with me here: [A] <Zenith> 2/10M guild LFM for Mythic raiding in 9.1

Have a lovely weekend :slight_smile: