RSham or RDruid

So I’m coming back from TBC to play some retail. I sat out 9.0/9.0.5 so I’m basically starting from scratch. What do ya’ll think would be the better bet between the two to get back into the swing of retail arena? Which has more comp variety? Which is more forgiving? Etc…

rsham is a lot easier to play rn

between tide talent/earth ele you don’t actually have to play the game for the first minute of the game

you can play almost any cleave
ww/dk/dh/war in basically any combination

you can play most spriest comps
sp/war sp/feral sp/moonkin sp/rog

even rsham jungle is good rn but that’ll prob be less and less true as ppl get more gear

alternatively druid will likely end up the strongest healer once gear slows the game down
but rsham is basically the only healer that does well into druids when they’re meta

I appreciate the input!

Rsham right now.

Rdruid probably gonna have best longevity the entire xpac though. I don’t see rsham staying as powerful as it is now though. Too much rsham media atm and earth ele prob gonna get kicked in the knees soon, hopefully.

If you’re fast go rsham, just windshear, let your partner rotate their rupt/stun combo, and windshear again, summon earth ele, throw some sharpen blade waters on slowed targets, collect points. Right now rshams entire offensive kit is pretty much instant and uninterruptable, and mechanics like spell reflect doesn’t really slow their offensive pressure. Also there is a ton of priests, so grounding and tremor are really nice to deal with current meta. Purge is nice to deal with pally comps with BoP, and with the cleave meta you’ll see plenty of rets around. Also low ammounts of warlocks, meaning not that much banishing going on with earth ele.

Rdruid is stronger and will probably remain stronger but it’s also MUCH harder to learn and master. Rsham is in a good spot now but as said in previous posts it’s prolly gonna get dumped as soon as earth ele gets nerfed, so even though it is a fairly easy to pick up healer (but hard to master though), i wouldn’t recommend it in the long term.

If you’re looking for a bit of fun right now before going back to TBC i’d say sham, if you’re looking to stay long term and actually dedicate time to learn and master the spec and become better, i’d say rdru, it’s prolly gonna stay strong for what is left of the xpac.

That being said, right now is probably the worst time to pick up and learn a healer if you’ve never played one before to a decent level, healing in Shadowlands is the most miserable i’ve been as a healer main ever.

I’d play a bit of both, and choose what you enjoy the most! Every healer is viable, and you will find you will have more fun when you choose something that you like.

Which one would pair better with a Feral? Shammy I assume due to cyclone DR…