Rsham are realy bad in keys and need help

They’re not THAT bad, can still time some decent keys, but 2 things I wish they would change to make Resto at least FEEL a lot better in keys.

1 is make Healing Rain insta cast. This spell just feels like such a burden. You want it up in theory (especially if you want to use Deluge which is actually quite strong if you need extra healing in high keys with bad affixes, Jay was running it on his RSham alt when he was rank 1 just memeing on an alt lol), but having to do this long cast time on a ground hot that only lasts 10 seconds feels awful and when people move out of it which happens a lot in dungeons, well rip, feels terrible because it’s on CD now.

It ends up not even being worth the effort most of the time swhich is a shame because passive healing (hots) is how you get to dps. Compare it to Druids’ efflo which they can plop down instant cast, lasts 3x longer and has no CD so you can instantly recast if people move. It feels like a bad joke when you compare the two.

2nd is the aoe dmg is just awful. Remove the CD from flame shock (and nerf igneous a bit if you have to) and make chain lightning not be so awful for resto, or replace it with a aoe fire totem or something… Right now trash pack aoe is just pathetic and feels bad. Yea you can do nice ST dmg but it requires investing a lot of traits and sacrificing tons of HPS since you can’t heal and DPS at the same to so HPal will still blow you away anyway on ST, pumping out huge DPS And HPS at the same time. So resto don’t even have a niche there. The overall damage at end of dungeon is just sad compared to HPal and we don’t at least buff other’s damage like say a MW monk.

Trying to do visions as Resto Shaman reinforced to me just how awful resto’s damage profile is for this type of trash heavy content. It is literally multiple times harder than HPal or R Druid to solo visions as a Resto Shaman. You sit there trying to cast this painfully slow chain lightning that hits only 3 targets like a wet noodle while praying for surge procs and waiting for flame shock cd and it just sucks and FEELS bad.