Rsham’s Infinite Mana

I haven’t seen a game end with an rshams mana below 50% since the updates. Meanwhile every other healer I’m going oom on.

How do you lose when you have infinite mana, purge on gcd, and a throughput higher than healers that are supposed to be good in damp…?

Not sure what their weakness is. I play a few healers, none seem even close to being able to compete with rsham other than fistweavers


fistweavers dont oom :^)


Rsham has the weakest healing cooldowns in the game and can’t use any buttons while crowd controlled other than thunderstorm


Healing stream totem and earth shield are weak right now?

It feels bad giving a healer that big of a mana lead, then also give them purge and so many other things they can just throw around because mana isn’t an issue. On top of having just as much or more HPS too than other healers

On rdruid, rshams are just chilling until 40-50% damp, then pressing W and spam purging while I’m oom, and have no time to drink. Similar on evoker


Nah healing stream is cracked rn it’s max ticking for 40-45k atm and earth shield is like a mini dstance

When people realize they are supposed to take 1 or 2 globals to one shot the healing stream totem/download raid siren weakaura for healing stream and try to purge earth shield as they send their go then Rsham becomes way worse.

Until then it’s gonna stay S tier


Are they still the easiest healer to run down? It’s been awhile since my last time playing the shammy.

it also has 80 of them


Most rshams play with demo locks or rets or both which have infinite peels for them so not really.

Although fdk cheese teams decimate rsham especially if they aren’t playing with a ret

Ah, I just remember rsham being particularly painful in RSS, because teammate positioning becomes even more of a problem than it is for other healers, and all the melee players just kinda go monkey mode.

In a vacuum, maybe, but that’s often made up for by teammates. Like, just w-keying an rsham if they have a ret and/or demo, as Jimmy says, isn’t that easy.

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It takes 4 azure strikes on evoker to kill healing stream, and 1 starsurge on rdruid doesn’t kill it so I guess unforch

Also feels bad for all the comps/classes that don’t have purge for earth shield. I guess just rsham vs rsham meta

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Unironically it’s worth for your team to stop what you are doing and kill healing stream as soon as it’s dropped since it’s literally 20-30% of an rshams total healing and it ramps over time

The ticks start small then get bigger


I’ve just been treating them like tide where I run over and kill them unless it’s actually inting positionally to do so.

75% of the people in the game can’t get games outside of solo shuffle. Lol

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Yeah, healing shuffle makes you realize why most people don’t know many healers.


Not even just a healer shortage. DPS on my btag would rather spam shuffle for easier games.

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Very unfortunate knowing how many people will never touch a healing stream totem, and the class will just be busted for a while from bad design. GG I guess

Oh well I’ll be playing rsham soon here anyways

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Curiously enough this is usually what’s said over most totems being killable instantly.


Healing Stream could definitely use a nerf. Would be surprised if they don’t touch it before the end of season.

I definitely go oom, though. But against non fistweavers and when both teams have Rets just doing raid boss damage for 5 minutes.

Mw and rsham are leagues above every other healer rn and it’s not close

Ret and arms warts are leagues better than every other melee and it’s not close

Lock and bm hunter are leagues better than every other caster and it’s not close

Sad state of affair this season is in I hope they fix the game before the final 2 weeks