RPG vs Gameplay....Why not both? (Covenant Swapping)

Thing is it’s really something you’re going to have to experience for yourself. I’ve experienced failing keys by 1 second, 1% wipes on bosses and even the same in Rated PvP encounters. The usual response that people make in these scenarios is “Well just get good” which is while true to some degree what makes is harder is knowing that you’re not optimized for the content being put in front of you. And if you were, it would have made a difference in success instead of failure.

For me like I said, I’d be interested in possibly doing Mythic Raiding again. But if it comes at the cost of me being less than optimal for Rated PvP progression then that’s just going to feel bad. I’d want to fill the void in between raid hours with other activities but I can guarantee you that I’m not going to be interested knowing that I’m just going to be more of a liability than an asset if even one of the Covenants is imbalanced for whatever I’m doing.

Players keep saying that the game needs to return to RPG elements. For the most part it’s casuals who have this mentality on GD. No shot at them for being casual but I can guaran-damn-tee you that the players who are pushing for this and partake in pugging will be surprised when they hit a wall where they don’t get invited because of their choice.

You’re not only creating a wall for more serious players who want to progress in all forms of content, you’re creating a wall for casuals to get invited to groups because they’re in the “wrong covenant” for certain areas of the game.

man you always post good stuff, i’m not sure i’ve disagreed with you yet

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Aww tanks! :hugs:

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Other players would be in this same boat however. You act like you could only encounter players in PvP who chose the PvP covenant for example. We know that is not true. You would still be in PvP as would many of your fellow raiders and M+ runners. Yes some would absolutely choose the covenant that favored PvP but plenty of others would not.

I understand the failing by 1 second, 1%, etc logic. Had you chose something else you might not have. Same could be said for who your opponent was in PvP, who your fellow raiders were (no way all 20 mythic raiders will pick the raid covenant outside of world first contestants), or who you ran M+ with. It would be very normal for all of the people in the group to have varying covenants with varying specialties. I am not trying to convince anyone I am right or wrong. I am just stating my opinion and why I believe in Blizzards current design and would like to see it going forward.

That’s exactly what’s going to happen in Rated PvP. Like…what?


And I’m here to give the other side of someone who values gameplay first. This expansions could have the most well crafted story ever. But if gameplay stinks, then people won’t play. Telling someone that they’re going to be subpar in another area just because of their Covenant choice is not going to work at all. Like I said, players who pug and choose the “wrong” Covenant will be denied from certain runs.

I don’t think hot swapping mid raid should be a thing, but I def want to use other stuff while being a champion bone daddy

It worked in Classic and it is very popular now. This game does not need to be free form all content like it currently is. It is ok to have strengths and weaknesses in different areas of the game. It is a player issue and community problem because of the freedom to be entirely optimal at all times. It does not need to be the case and the sooner the other side realizes that type of gameplay truly does not belong in an MMORPG the sooner this game can heal. Think about the great years of WoW… nothing since WotLK which still had strengths and weaknesses tied to talent choices, specs, etc. For this game to ever be great again it has to become more like an MMORPG and less like a simple MMO.

Um no. Players that play multiple types of content will still continue to do so. You would still play rated PvP and would not have that PvP talent. Lots of players would still play rated PvP. The people who only focus on PvP sure, they will have the covenant. Standard players who do lots of things though… it will be very hit and miss.

Sorry but the Classic angle isn’t going to work because they get cleared in the first 30 minutes of their existence. In Retail the top end guilds have to literally put aside 1-2 weeks to play for 12-16 hours a day just to clear the raid. And more Mythic guilds that are on 6 hour schedules takes months before the final boss goes down. Any way to Sunday, they are not comparable to be in the same ballpark unless raids are severely nerfed to LFR-Normal difficulty.

If you think the same WoW community that will deny you to keys because of your IO score, the same community that won’t invite you to Normal runs because you don’t have AOTC, and the same community who’ll deny you into 1700 groups unless you have a 2k achievement will all of a sudden have their arms open with Covenants, then I think you’re out of your mind.

I highlighted the issue for you. Just because someone wants to push raiding content doesn’t mean they should be immediately at a disadvantage when doing PvP. I know for sure that if I have a reasonable opportunity to be on the same footing as someone who only focuses on PvP that I’d be able to hold my own. But if I’m facing against someone who’s equally skilled as me and the sole reason that they get a clear edge over me is a Covenant choice then I’m not going to do PvP. It’s as simple as that.

That is unfortunate. I have zero faith in Blizzard to get this right however. Look at the recent GW nerf. Blizzard is still tuning the covenants but I have little worry that they plan to go ahead with the covenant locked ability thing. They will constantly tweak numbers all expansion. Sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue. Blizzard gets an idea in their head though and they will push through with it even if it is proven to be bad. They will scrap it mid way and try something else equally bad.

Which is why they’ll fail. They don’t know what to scrap and what to keep and just tweak. When they have a plan they’ll go full speed ahead even if there’s a brick wall right in front of them.