They just aren’t the same. The game has removed plenty of restrictions that people want to push as RPG elements and meaningful choices. This system would make sense if the game was close to Classic WoW but it’s not. The QoL additions they’ve made have essentially removed RPG elements.
To you that may be the case. To others the ability to have more than one choice depending on the content and their teams’ composition may be meaningful.
Would it be considered watering down or lessening the meaningfulness of choice if one were to simply roll duplicates?
If I wanted to play more than one piece of content and be optimal in each (assuming Covenants work how you want them to) Why wouldn’t I just have more than one? I mean, it would also be cool for (midway through) nerfs and buffs that we saw happen to corruptions…
Should’ve started with the core of the game rather than relying on another borrowed power in my opinion. We should go back to RPG elements they had in Classic where Fire Mages straight up do no damage to Fire Elementals. That’ll definitely not make any mages upset.
If the other Covenants have better damage output then Kyrians, then that one with be best for PvP and the other will be better for PvE. Making players who partake in both make the choice in which one they’ll be at a disadvantage in.
If we start with the hard things people won’t have time to adjust their mindset. Just like it took multiple expansions to get to where we are it will take multiple expansions to ween players off of them.
If someone wants to go through the trouble of gearing and achieving on two characters, that’s their choice.
Mage main and I wouldn’t care if they did this.
If the Necrolord hunter does 10% more DPS or whatever than a Kyrian hunter in a given PvE raid fight, that’s totally fine. The Necrolord chose to sacrifice valuable PvP utility and should be awarded something in return. The Kyrian will have its chance to shine in other areas.
People won’t have time to adjust their mindsets? The when they do it doesn’t matter one bit because it would be a drastic change from how things were in the newer expansions. There’s no calm way to tell a Fire Mage that if they ever do a raid that is anything like Firelands, you’ll be effectively useless.
That’s fine. That’s you compared to the hundreds of thousands of Mages who’ll more than likely be outraged.
What did folks do in Vanilla and BC when this was precisely the case? They adjusted.
I don’t see it as a problem. It’s not like the Necrolord in that scenario would have no ability of their own to use in PvP. They’ll just have to adjust and fight in a way different from the Kyrian.
Who is to say I’m not participating in content that it would affect me in? I did bring up the PvP thing, which would affect ALL levels of PvP.
and if you want to pull the “well mythics wouldn’t be impossible but it would hurt you” then I’ll pull the same card here: PvP wouldn’t be impossible of course, but it would hurt me even at a casual level.
Artifact weapons aren’t the best example to keep in line with my stance that choice needs to be meaningful and not easily changed.
By the end of Legion, Artifact weapons were just a grind. Not any sort of choice.
Because the core of the game was built on it. The constant need for QoL changes has adjusted the game so far from its original core that it’s pretty much an entirely different experience now. And going back to it without addressing other core RPG elements is in my opinion a very blind move.
The Necrolord ability doesn’t look good at all. And personally I like the aesthetic but am going to have to miss out on that shearly because Kyrian and Venthyr looks far superior. Would have to see where Night Fae runs numerically.
Well see if I personally wanted to do this, it would be trouble free as I still have boosts Blizz gave me for preordering and from previous things. I have had nothing to do with them until maybe now.
So it doesn’t water down your ability to make choices if it is a second identical character but a hard no on it being the same character… got it.
On a casual level your choice doesn’t matter. You can do anything and find success within the grounds of a casual player of the game. But on a serious level like Mythic Raiding or Glad level of Arena, or keys higher than +20 that choice matters greatly.
Actually there was choice in the Artifact weapon. You got to choose where the points went into your weapon every level. You only got stronger with every level you gained with your weapon.
Well that again banks on me trusting Blizzard when it comes to balancing anything. Which they haven’t succeeded at for multiple expansions now.
You can also find success at the mythic level without being completely optimal.
Are you seriously going to suggest that +30% crit chance and ignoring LoS will have no significant affect on PvP for the average Hunter?
It’s going to affect every level of any facet of gameplay that is naturally competitive.
There’s a reason I said “by the end of Legion”, because at that point you were gaining AP so quickly even on a fresh character you very quickly maxed everything except the one point that stacked for grinding.
Though even early in Legion being able to max everything else eventually rendered the choice irrelevant. It was a cool idea up until we had enough AP to just render the choice moot.
I’m willing to bet that those wanting others to be punished in being locked in to a specific covenant are in the minority here, even if they are among the loudest.
Since I don’t have any hard numbers, we’ll have to agree to disagree. Personally I can’t see how my flexibility ruins your enjoyment of the game, but you’re allowed that opinion.
The WoW community has gotten to the point where people are pigeon-holed into rigid min/maxing attitudes that Raidbots and other Simms practically play the game for you.
For once it has nothing to do with the developers, but with players who’re put (or believe themselves to be) higher than casual players.
Congrats min/maxers, no one can have nice things because of your precious numbers.