[RP Event] Anath'Ithilion - A Thalassian Midwinter Rite | Event Concluded

In Quel’Thalas, on Midwinter’s Day, an old ritual takes place amidst the festivities of Winter’s Veil. By some, it is observed in shrines, alight with candles and adorned with gold; others gather at a village fire, or in the grand courtyard of a noble house. Some have shaped it with family traditions, or adapted it to Light-centered beliefs. Its central elements are simple – a Solstice fire, a quiet night, and reflection on what to let go.

The purpose of Anath’Ithilion is to release that which causes hindrance or pain – a harmful habit, a personal flaw, or perhaps the echo of some event in one’s past. Some arrive already knowing what they come to cast away; others sit in the quiet of the shrine, seeking out the roots of their troubles through contemplation or with a cleric’s counsel. Whatever it may be, it is inscribed on parchment and cast into the Solstice fire, to be left amongst the ashes as one rises to greet the new year’s dawn.

This Midwinter, a small shrine on the edge of Silvermoon City stands ready to receive visitors to its Solstice fire. The attendant Sun Clerics await any who seek counsel or guidance.

While throwing things in a bonfire is its own reward, our goal is to provide an opportunity for character exploration via the chance to root out your characters’ deepest insecurities by talking them out with complete strangers. There will only be two of us, but we’ll do our best to be available to RP one-on-one with any characters who have questions or seek guidance.

Things to know:

  • The event will run from 5pm to at least 7pm server time, and possibly longer depending on the energy level of the hosts. Attendees should feel free to come and go at any point in this timeframe.
  • We will be at the gazebo off the road between the Ruins of Silvermoon and Sunstrider Isle. See below for a screenshot and map.
  • This event has a Sin’dorei focus, but respectful non-Sin’dorei participants are welcome.
  • We feel that the faction truce allows some cross-faction travel, but not unfettered access to all opposite-faction territory. Alliance attendees should have diplomatic passes and be accompanied by a Horde chaperone.
  • Inky Black Potions are recommended for maximum ambiance. We’ll have a few extras for anyone who has none.
  • Please whisper Kelarion-WyrmrestAccord if you need help finding us or any other information.

The Midwinter rite of Anath’Ithilion stems from a body of guild headcanon concerning traditional Thalassian religion, and we aim to present this as just one element of a diverse and evolving culture. Feel free to approach the rite as something your character has seen or taken part in before or not, according to your own preference.


We missed last year, but did this two years ago! Looking forward to hosting again - obviously not on Runa’the, though.

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Looking forward to attending this festival, to support our Sin’dorei allies and friends!


Thanks for coming to the Songbird Eatery event for Silvermoon Sunday tonight by the way! We’ll assume the dishes came back bahaha.

I plan to be there, and bring some Sunreavers along with me, as we will be on leave from our duties in Dalaran and home in Quel’thalas for the holidays.


How exactly does one go about getting a diplomatic pass? Is it just a thing to say you have if you show up on an Alliance character? Or will it just be assumed those Alliance characters who show up with Horde chaperones have them? Also, are there restrictions on exactly which Alliance races are allowed?

Yeah, basically just say IC that you have one if it comes up and arrive with a Horde chaperone.

No, there is not restrictions on which members of the Alliance are valid.

Void magic is still presumably illegal in Quel’Thalas, and would be culturally offensive at this event. Void elves themselves aren’t forbidden if that’s “who this or that Alliance group chose to send as their diplomat” but obvious Void corruption or displays of Void magic will not be acceptable in the sanctum.

Basically, the premise here is ‘we assume that Alliance ambassadors or visitors may be allowed under special circumstances, but still aren’t trusted as welcome as a Sin’dorei or tauren in Quel’Thalas’. It’s an immersion thing.

None of this is something we’re expecting to have a guardian around to enforce IC. We have no plans to have someone checking papers at the event.

I’d add that given that the truce has been ongoing for several years and the factional powers that be seem to be invested in making it stick, various types of business and/or scholarly ventures are probably grounds for getting pass papers into opposite-faction territory as well. I just haven’t been able to think of a better term than “diplomatic pass.”

Like Runa said, it’s an immersion thing. We’re happy to just assume Alliance attendees have them.

Understood. Admittedly I was curious as far as my own potential attendance was concerned. It was the very issue of how all things Shadow/Void are viewed within Quel’Thalas and how exactly you all were going to interpret and enforce them that I wondered about and considered in thinking about how viable it would be for a ren’dorei to attend at all (even one who misses her home desperately often times).

But I totally respect the immersion and the desire to stick strongly to what makes sense by lore. So as a being that is obviously “void corrupted” for lack of a better way of putting it and who doesn’t really represent any group as an official diplomat, I’ll stay away. I wish you all a great turnout nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Oh yes! Washed and dried and given back the next day/week/whenever.


But you definitely should hit us up for Thalassian-related angst about home. Because that’s probably our jam for sure, even if it doesn’t quite work here!

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This is this evening! If you need help finding us or have any other last-minute questions, post here or whisper Kelarion-WyrmrestAccord closer to event time in-game.

If you don’t see Kelarion on yet, check with Novareth(-WyrmrestAccord) also!

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It’s been super busy this year; thank you to everyone who visited, especially to Duskwatch Saberguard and The Sunreavers for making it something of a guild outing! Two years ago we did this for the first time, and it was extremely quiet. This year was another thing entirely.

We still have a few groups around here, and will continue on until they’re done or we get too sleepy to continue. I’ll post to confirm when it’s wrapped.

If I haven’t said we’re done, you still have time to come and do character developing RP about regrets and freedom!


Thanks for letting us come out and experience your Midwinter Rites!


And we’re calling it a night!

Thank you folks, and happy Solstice, Christmas, and New Year IRL!

Thank you again to everyone who came to Anath’Ithilion. We had a really good time with you, and we hope all of you did as well!

Thanks for having us! Here is my write up and screenshots


Thank you for that! I intended to take screenshots as well, but in the moment, I completely forgot to do it, so I’m glad you got some!

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