[RP - A] Monthly Alliance Guild Fair!

The Alliance Guild Fair occurs every last Friday of the month!

Over in the Cathedral Square in the city of Stormwind, we encourage all themed guilds to come on by! Whether you’re searching for a guild, want to show off and recruit for your own, or just want to come by and make some connections, this is the spot for you!

From 5:00 PM Server Time until people want to go home, we can’t wait to see you!

No booth reservations, the Guild Fair is open floor, so spots are first come first served!



I’ve gone to the first two guild faires and it’s growing with every iteration! And with cross factions guilds a thing now, there’s gonna be more options than ever! I’m excited for the future!

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Coming up this week!

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I will be there as well!! Am always happy to help host.

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Coming up tomorrow! Can’t wait to meet new folks!

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I am so pumped for this!! YIPPEEE

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After finally finding this forum again I am happy to post, advertise, and generally enjoy the Alliance Guild Faire coming up this July 28th once more! As always Officer Madarax will be helping to host this wonderful event. This month starting at 5 server at popular request.


This event is coming up two weeks from today, come find a guild or come mingle with the awesome Alliance guilds of WrA!


Pushing to the top.

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Good! Because its SOON

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Friday, 7/28, Cathedral District, 5 PM server and forward.

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The OP should probably be edited if the start time is 5pm and not 4pm. Still plan to be there!
Edited: it was listed at a different time in other places. Apologies for confusion.

I assume it’s starting at 5 PM, based on the post in the body of the thread. There’s also a listing on the WCP Discord that has it at 5 PM. I don’t know the organizer, unfortunately. If I can get my Alliance guild all online at the same time, I expect we’ll make an appearance.

Yes it will be at 5pm Server. As I believe that worked better for us last time.

Hello everyone, this is the founder of the event! The official start time for the event is at 4 server, not 5, as is posted on the original post! It has not changed! But people are welcome to come and go when it is convenient for them!


Is there anyway to come out with a post sharing which guilds will be there and what they are known for IC and OOC ? It can be overwhelming to walk up blindly to such a Faire.

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I can tell you that there have been more than a handful of guilds that advertise in Alliance trade weekly. Some are RP-PVX, some are just RP, and there are also some just PVE and at least one that is just PvP. I know that’s not very helpful, but it’s the best I got.

The guild fair is designed to be first come first served in terms of placements; we don’t have booths or reservations required for guilds to come and advertise for themselves. But since it’s still new we get a cozy turn out each time, so I highly encourage coming by and giving it a shot at least once!


Hey this kind of hugely popped off today? Lets keep that energy into the next one as well? The turnout so far has been incredible and I cannot thank the community enough.


The guild faire was huge this month! It was great to see!