Rookie RP looking for patient guild

Honestly, most guilds I’ve encountered have been pretty understanding of new players. The trick, as with anything, is finding the guild you jibe with.

If you’re looking for guild that would accept Sylvanas loyalists, though, that is definitely something worth considering. She’s kind of public enemy #1 at the moment. If you’re low profile with it, though, most organizations shouldn’t mind.

I know the Royal Apothecary Society has its share of loyalists, although it might be more a matter of the guild’s RP stance being pro-Forsaken, no matter who’s in charge.

And in Firebrand Enterprises, we could care less about your political affiliations so long as it doesn’t get in the way of business. Goblin brand hyper-capitalism often has a way of making a mockery of peoples’ deeply held convictions and ideologies…

We are a larger guild, which can be overwhelming for a lot of people staring out, but we’re active and have a large potential pool of contacts to draw from, including a handful of people new to RP! We’ve also recently revised our intake process to help better ease new hires into the whole thing!

But as mentioned before in the thread, you should definitely shop around by looking at guild ads, hanging out in the VoH, and attending some events to see what jumps out at you!

And welcome to the wild and wacky world of WrA RP!