Role unavailable for some dungeons


What is this?

Mechagon Workshop is the only selected dungeon. A friend had this error, he says it resolved itself on its own after waiting a bit, but I’m still curious what would cause this?

He is well geared for DPS and Tank, it’s what he mained for 8.3, not a new alt or anything, so there shouldn’t be issues due to that.

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I’m going to assume its an ilevel issue, if your gear isn’t up to par it blocks you.

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I’d assume they’re looking at some qualification in order to queue you for some things. For example, you might not be meeting some hidden gear requirement.

As a side note, if you copy the image location instead of the post url it won’t cut the image off.

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Warlocks no longer have a tank spec.


Added it to OP for clarification, but it’s a friend of mine, he’s geared for tank and dps (118 ilvl post-squish), we ran M+ together plenty during 8.3 on this character. (this being the one that got this error - which resolved later without any change in gear)

If it went away on its own, there’s likely some sort of internal cooldown for certain things. Most likely that’s a catchall error/warning for a number of things that the game looks at when you’re about to queue for specific instances.

Help, same issue. I cannot queue as tank or healer to specific dungeons. I may join random dungeon though. I’m an iLvl 92 tank trying to get the quest done to clear Mechagon.

I have identically this same issue except it will only let me queue DPS.

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I should add that the friend who sent the screenshot in the OP was also trying to specific queue for Mechagon (I think Workshop). ilvl 118.

I also noticed this with the “tutorial” level 7-10 dungeon at the end of the new starter zone. I could queue for any role available to me (Priest), but the person I was playing with could only queue as DPS despite being a Paladin. Not sure if related or not. That was also specific-queue, since it’s the only option at that time.

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I’m almost able to solo Mechagon on hero, so i’m definitely not under gear. Just takes a really long time.

I’m a rogue, trying to do heroic waycrest manor as part of the questline to free jaina. For some reason, the splendid crap of prepatch seems to think that damage role is unavailable for ANY dungeon. I am sitting at 109 item level (456 pre-squish) and its friggen heroic or even normal don’t seem to need any damage dealers. Not like I can queue for any other role…

Good job blizzard. Gold star. Have a damn scone.

Nothings changed over the past few days. Still can’t do dungeons. Was hoping it’d go away but it is stil there.

Same issue for my husband and I as well. We can queue for randoms, but on my hunter, I can’t queue as dps (lol) and as a paladin, he can’t queue for tank or healer in specific dungeons.

Same issue for me. I need to get Ironfoe from The MOTHERLOAD and I can’t queue for normal dungeons as dps as a hunter.

What’s your RaiderIO score?
Its probably too low for that dungeon.

Naw, just kidding of course.
First time seeing that and unable to replicate it.
Best of luck getting that figured out, but its probably just some bug honestly.

A blue responded to a thread about this issue in the customer support forums and confirmed that there were multiple people reporting the same thing, so they’re at least aware of it.

Seems like a pretty big issue for there to not be more uproar about though. It resolved for my friend, but there are clearly people who just can’t queue for specific dungeons at all, almost a week later.

I’m gonna recommend voicing your issues over in the customer support thread as well, probably more appropriate and higher chance of being seen since a Blue has posted:

He’s checked 2 areas, tank and dps. I think you can only be one so the dungeon can put you in the area to defend.

That’s definitely not the issue when pure dps classes are having it happen. Additionally, you’ve always been able to queue for multiple roles and still can for other things. It wouldn’t magically be different just for specific dungeons.

As of December 4th I am still experiencing this issue. One of the above posts referred to a ‘work around’ involving a party member being passed lead to initiate the que. I can confirm this is exactly what i have to do. Oddly though this problem only occurs when I am actually in a group with this person. I have not tried to see if other people cause this same issue btu i can confirm all three specs have the ! With Role Unavailablee above them which seems crazy. I am specced tank, select tank and am told this role is not available for this dungeon … >_>

I am having this issue as well, only when grouped. My workaround has been to queue up solo, then invite the other people I want in.