Allo Zuyeth o/
Dusk Eternal sounds like a possible fit for you. Here are the reasons why;
-Midcore AotC/Mythic Guild. We push to where our ability and skill level takes us. Our current target is now recruitment to Mythic Bosses.
-Great core of guild members. We have a great time in farm content, we focus in when progress pulls are happening, and are (mostly) mature relaxed peoples.
-Our raid times line up. We raid 9p-12a server (so 7p-10p MNT) two nights a week. We hard stop and never ask members to push past raid window. We all have jobs and lives outside of this game.
-Mythic+ Content - We have several members that are at your IO range and plenty close by. You would most likely find it easy to do guild keys at your level here.
I’ll reach out via Discord, but i wanted to leave this message here and the recruitment post on the forums for you. Talk with you soon!