Rogue/pally tank lf guild

Hey Tenero!

We happen to be hunting for a rogue for our raiding group and gearing is not a problem for us. We are currently helping to gear new and returning players for the current tier, as our main focus will be having the raid core set for Shadowlands.

We run mid-high keys every off night as well as we like to keep an active community.

Here is a link to our Guild Post for reference: [A][US][Dalaran] <Sèrendipity> Friendly Active Guild LFM - #2 by Bobbÿ-dalaran

We raid T/TH 7:30-10:30pm PST.

Our primary raid goal is to hit AOTC on every raid tier while also dabbling in Mythic when possible. Our core is made up of long time WoW vets as well as folks who are returning to the game or want to break into raiding.

As far as your pally friend, there is certainly room in the raid to take on additional healing and MDPS. I know you mentioned he was a tank and while we currently have 2 for raid, we also like to roll offspec at times so there would be room for him to tank during non-progression encounters and obviously plenty of opportunity it Mythic+

Please friend and shoot Bender or myself a message on discord or Bnet and we can discuss further!

Bender#1870 - Bnet
Bender#1504 - Discord
Redonk56#1461 - Bnet
Redonkulous#0245 - Discord