Rogue Question

Sorry, but I’m not familiar with rogues.

Can someone please identify which of these attacks are actually rogue abilities that the other player actively pressed?



Lol oh man.

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garrote and mutilate. nothing personal is just a azerite passive that does damage when vendetta is up

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Something seems off, I don’t see any noodle damage :octopus:

Did he emote you as well ? That would count as pressing your buttons from the data I can see.

using recount in 2020 LMAO

Umm #5 and down… the rest is bfa.


Thank you.

It seems like I should worry more about their gear’s abilities than their class’ abilities.

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Technically I think the #1 is a on use Trinket and #2 is a on use Az Neck ability so they technically had to push buttons there and #4 is also a use trinket, they only suto damage there is #3 which is a corruption