Rogue only "Homework"

Does anyone else hate that we have homework if we want to maximize dps?

Don’t get me wrong, I love having unique Pick-Pocket stuff in the game, but it would be very nice if it wasn’t related to our PVE performance.


Hate is a strong word for something that takes all of 5 mins to have you covered for a weeks worth of content.

Each charge lasts 2 hours. And no one is forcing you to use them. If you dont want to, use something else you can just buy off the AH.

People find the absolutely lowest bar of stuff to complain about imho…


Blizz brings back pickpocket stuff (which still has you gaining gold as you now need to buy 1 less consumable) and people still find a way to complain. Its understandable why they dont bring back Griftah, people were making rogue armies for the weekly gold. This is a nice alternative as if youre really playing the rogue, youll use it.

Nope. Gotta complain anyway.


Not really. I like it. Rogues use to have to make poisons and blinding powder and carry vanishing powdered. This isn’t bad at all. It’s a unique damage buff for us predicated on using one of our abilities to prepare.

Which is peak Rogue fantasy. We are fantasy world Batman in a lot of ways. I don’t find this anymore taxing then farming for any of the other things I need to be optimal.

And optimal is the operative word here. Because you will certainly do fine without this. Unless you are apart of some hi-performance guild pushing content. Which if you are, that’s a you problem.


Only complaint I have about it is that we still have to wait a second before you place another one on your offhand, otherwise it just eats up a charge and nothing happens.

Pretty sure this stuff is bugged or it has the lowest proc chance ever. I used it all of last night and I think it didn’t even proc a single time when I was looking at my logs.

lol i farmed up 120 of them just so i have em.

I love it.

I’m sure the wax and Whetstone (or whatever else) is close anyway.
Reminded me of farming soulstones before raid back in the day on my warlock. I love stuff like that.

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Oh wow i didnt knew about this, i like it, Pickpocket having a real use is good.

It was. I spent the first day using it and didnt see it once in damage meters. It did however work when i played this morning.

So, we get free weapon runes? And this is a bad thing? o.o

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The “good” news is it’s pretty buggy and you shouldn’t use them at the moment. One fight it’ll be 2% of your DPS, and the next fight it won’t proc at all. shrug

Not gonna lie, i kinda love things like this and wish more classes had something akin to it.

While the various whetstones and such cost thousands a pop, rogues just have to pickpocket a few kobolds to get there’s… And you are complain about… What???

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Yeah, this is exactly how I’m seeing it as well.

Spent 3 hours in the raid, wasn’t on any of my meters for the first 2 hours.
Did my last application of it for a Heroic group on hour 3, started to watch it proc finally and pop into my charts. The damage was pretty nonexistent as well.

So, either it’s really buggy or the proc rate is the lowest Weapon buff proc that I’ve ever witnessed.

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