Rogue LF Raiding Guild (Will Transfer)

would love to talk to you about raiding in my guild DirtylilHorde. We are more than willing to gear you. Our raid times are 11est to 2am est. Sunday/Monday. PST Mac#1753 to discuss. TY

I think the Clique might be a great fit for you. We are a late night heroic raiding guild. We raid two nights a week Tuesday and Sunday from 10:15 pm to 1:15am CST. We also have many mythic + nights as well. The guild has been around for quite a long time. So we have all gotten older and realised that real life does have to come first. But we still love to get together and hang out while killing bosses. We have some East coast night owls, central night owls, and some west coast people. Some of us have kids and don’t wanna give up family time for wow. We understand that and work with people accordingly. If you have any farther questions feel free to contact me on real id at Hadorya#1497. Hope to hear from you soon.

Dad Bod is a horde heroic raiding guild on the Turalyon server. We formed during Legion and have been AoTC every tier since. Our members enjoy all aspects of the game, including m+, pvp, and achievement/mog runs. We are made up of adults, mostly dads, with lives, careers, and families. We’d love to push hardcore and thrive like the good ol’ days, but we just don’t have the time to worry about mythic progression. Our focus is on our members and we try to support each other as much as possible.
If you’re looking for a laid back home who has repeatedly been successful and active despite the roster roller coaster, look no further!
Our raid nights are currently Sun/Wed 10:00pm to 12:30am eastern time. If you’d like to discuss more, please reach out to me via:
Bnet: gnome4life#1832
Discord: Kentorus#0661 (best option for quick responses)