Rogue 11.0.5 PTR notes and Feedback thread

This is a W at this point, with Cut being on all specs, pressing SnD was quite meaningless to begin with. Good change.

This is bad, there are plenty of reasons why we would not want to use Tea at 50 energy, so many situations that don’t call for it and would waste both the energy regen and the mastery buff.

Forcing a pooling strategy to avoid going down to below 50 energy is not a good change.

Charged CP still don’t work with Deathstalker, would be nice to have a word on if this is intended or not, or a bug like many think.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know shadowdust had its fans, but it was strangling Sub spec by its existence, it can now be tuned around its current kit and not around how often it might or might not get its bursts.

Please align the CDs so they work with each other better, and we’re looking at a better world for Sub rogues.