ROFL at Blizz getting healers to play

The pvp realm needs more healers and Blizzard keeps nerfing healers like Priests.
They want priest to get more of their healing from damage?
ROFL seriously good luck with that one, completely forced play style.

Got my priest to 70 last season managed to get to about 1800… ( I am 2400 hunter)… but now I guess I should go level a monk cause there’s no monk nerfs coming around

yeah , they are pretty lost

Seems interesting they implemented these changes right before AWC restarts , I guess enough time to redo comps and test healers

Did they revert the intended nerfs?

Who’s gonna tell him?

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10.1.5 is coming. These changes don’t even matter.

I’m just watching this company drive itself into the ground, it’s kind of hilarious and tragic.

Buff MS effects instead of nerfing classes outright, or ya know, continue being arrogant because that’s been working out so well by the numbers, eh… genius?


I know right blizzard is so arrogant

It’s balance…people don’t play if they’re at a big disadvantage. More people will play if four healers are competitive than if two are


Both Mistweaver and Disc needed a nerf. Hardly anyone plays any other healers besides those two because they are overpowered. Mistweavers can stand there and press mist and heal for days and never run out of mana, Disc can mindlessly press 1 button and spam a shield.

These specs were just the strongest healers, they weren’t inherently OP. Other healers should have been buffed to be competitive with them, not vise versa. Especially in the midst of a healer shortage.

Gogglefox put the gun down MW needed nerfs :dracthyr_love_animated:


This is exactly how MW plays: I park myself beside a pillar, I press SooM… and then I go put in some laundry. Guaranteed win. Try it.

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crazy that ive actually seen MWs in solo shuffle do exactly that and my dumb no brain team mates dont bother to CC the MW . they just let him free cast endless heals.

I mean… you kind of (just kind of) missed the point of my sarcasm.

That being said, what you’re describing should get you thinking: “Is this really a ‘MW is overpowered’ problem, or a ‘My teammates are idiots’ problem?” Not that it matters much anymore. It’s a bit too late to start thinking things through. Come tomorrow, MW will be OOM in about ~1 min. in RSS. Might make a /goodbye macro tied to my mana % just to remind players that they’re SOL.

Lol. Who am I kidding? I won’t be queueing RSS at all. I’m not a Masochist. I’ll be here on the forums, waiting to hear people whine and complain about the next Healer doing well in RSS. It’s probably going to be RDruids, honestly.

My biggest problem with them is they’re too hard to punish in 2’s when they’re strong. In 3v3 there’s probably better chain CC options.