<Rivalry> 9/9M Two Day Weekend Guild LF Warlock/Ele

Think fetid will definitely die this week
Morning all
Lost our hunter :(
Well I came down with a cold today.. rip ;(
Today sucks:(
Why does today suck?
I'm sick:(
We'll feeling a bit better now at least
Good morning!
I really hope we get a compensation buff when they fix karma in 8.1
Praying we kill Fetid tonight
Feeling terrible again today:(
Guess we need a warrior again :(
any chances for UH dk?
If you consider yourself an excellent player, then yes we take applicants of any class/spec if they are good.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far.
I think I'd actually prefer it if Azshara ended up being the final boss of BFA and led into a black empire themed expansion
Feel like having Nzoth just for one patch would be a major waste
Having him in his own expac would allow them to really build him up like lk, illidan, deathwing etc