I’m feeling a bit sick today
Still feeling pretty meh, but I worked today anyways.
Yeah I think I am definitely getting a cold or something =/
Hoping for a fast mythic reclear this week
And Rastakhan is dead! Finger’s crossed they can get Mekkatorque tonight.
18% on Mekka after the first night… not bad ;D
oh hi Idling. and grats!
Hi! Thank you How are you guys doing?
Man, I am so tired today.
Gonna spend most of today in bed ;(
Annd right when I thought the snow was done for a bit we get another huge storm
Hope Mekka dies tonight!
Ah well next week
I hate cold’s they just sap all your energy
New Infinity War is out next month, so that should be interesting!
Have to get tires rotated and oil change today
Had an interesting day at work
Hopefully they reclear back to Mekka quickly
Looks like some of the core were missing so rasta proved tougher to reclear than I had hoped ;( Finger’s crossed for tonight
Looking for a mage/DH and a Rdruid?