<Aggravated> 12/12M Two Day Friday/Sat LF Range Dps

Having alot of pain today ;(

Sorry you’re in pain :frowning:

But hey, we killed heroic Azshara tonight!

That is fantastic news :smiley:

Hope everyone is having a nice Monday!

Yeah it wasn’t too bad :wink: How about yours?

Just submitted and app. Main spec is BrM but fully capable of raiding as WW or MW.

Also I am already on KJ!

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Nice! That’s pretty convenient that you are already on server as well ;D

Well we just broke a heat record for Denver + surrounding areas today… it was pretty miserable lol

Monopoly Deal card game is surprisingly a ton of fun. It’s much better than the board game and doesn’t take too long

Limit 7/8 ahead of Method :wink:

I am honestly surprised that Method still hasn’t killed 7/8

And of course they ending up killing him just shortly after I posted lol

Looks like Azshara is definitely not gonna die this reset

I popped onto Max’s stream while they were at 5% on Heroic Azshara but didnt realize since the whole stream was saying stuff about being them being there for the world first so for a second I thought they were about to kill Mythic lmao.

Damn Azshara might not even die this reset either, we will see. It will be pretty crazy if she lasts three weeks though

Yeah this boss looks nutty for sure.

And here comes the big nerf lol

Damn Limit with the 28% p4 already

And then Method came in with a 5% vs Limit’s 13% today! This is quite the race :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anddddd Method wins again lol