Why do all the other classes have instant damage and warlocks are still the only class waiting 3 to 5 business days to cast spells? We want to play the game, not wait forever for spells to trigger their extra affect!
It takes a lotttttttttttt of time and resources to try and gather, then fire off 20 (15) soul shards of damage! It’s way too long! Meanwhile, rogues, mages, feral druid, hunters, and every melee class are punching warlocks in the faces! Warlocks are alwaysssss targeted first in PvP …always!!!
Trying to wait 20 seconds for Diabolic Ritual to trigger in a pvp situation is a joke! Plus, it’s way tooooooo weak for waiting all that long time to trigger! Warlocks are better off without Diabolist! It’s just another handicap against warlocks!
Its true. Every class tanked through the roof on rip fuel buffs and instant cast damage superior to any 3 second cast of a warlock… Its not complaining, its pointing out that Devs do not play Warlock, if it is high mobility instant casting top of the meters, mashing 2 buttons with gap closers and multiple instant defensives that give immunity time and cast while stunned, you have every character except for Warlock… the one character devs are either not allowed to play or are seriously punishing pet class players.
Our pets are non resposnive and have been since prepatch, Dev attention to it, nil
Our healthstones disappear at random, deve attention to it, nil
we have little to no mobility unless we want to spend points in something that all other classes get as part of their build, but their’s doesn’t kill them
We have afflicition locks that have been ignored for years
Destruction that remain the most killed class in all of pvp and had self healing deleted
Demonologost that has no haste buff, no crit buff, no movement buff, no nothing buff unless we get an RNG scirt off a crit that occurs before a 3-5 second cast while standing
We interrupt our own gameplay while other classes can blink cast and apparently drop totems in burrow as has happened all week in PUG BGs with no impact no matter how often they are reported
and then we have a community that provides constructive feedback as, play another class.